Open-Air Premiere Of Utopia

John Pilger’s new epic film, Utopia, had its premiere in the urban heart of indigenous Australia, in the middle of Sydney on 17 January. The crowd filled the equivalent of two football pitches. Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians travelled from all over the country to hear call for a renewed struggle for justice and freedom for Australia’s first people.

Utopia, already released and broadcast in the UK, is named by the London Film Review as one of the five best films of the year.

Utopia will be screened next at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) in Sydney, with screenings from 21-23 January and on Australia Day, 26 January. For information visit mca.com.au
On 23 January it will be screened at Murdoch Uniiversity in Perth. Contact Robbert Eggington on [email protected]
On 25 January, Utopia will be screened in Alice Springs at the Aaraluen Arts Centre. Contact Marlene Hodder on [email protected]

And on 30 January, Utopia will begin a run at Cinema Nova in Melbourne.

For details of other screenings of Utopia in Australia, including Perth, Brisbane and Hobart, visit the official Utopia website
For all distribution enquiries in Australia contact Gil Scrine of Antidote Films on [email protected] or community events contact Paddy gibson on [email protected] or write to the John Pilger website www.johnpilger.com

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