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Confessions of a road-rager

Road rage, rude people, drivers, angry driver, traffic, commute

Sydney's streets are a fetid swamp, a stinking, seething morass of ineptitude where the fuel of choice is testosterone and the rules are set by the stupid and psychotic.

Column 8


A mysterious object spotted in the harbour

Plenty can share blame for census fiasco

Illustration: Alan Moir

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, in which case the three pictures on the front page of the Herald are alone worth the entire day's edition.


Paul Keating said Turnbull was brilliant, fearless, but he lacked judgment, his fatal flaw.

How Turnbull was set up for his downfall

All the pictures of Malcolm Turnbull looking glum since Saturday night tell us a story we already instinctively knew: he fears he has miscalculated again.