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Posts tagged ‘ethics’

The philosopher’s fear of alterity

Levinas, Europe and humanities ‘without Sacred History’
by / RP 140 (Nov/Dec 2006) / Article

Nihilism and faith

Rose, Bernstein and the future of Critical Theory
by / RP 134 (Nov/Dec 2005) / Article

Philosophizing post-punk

by / RP 132 (Jul/Aug 2005) / Commentary

Jacques Derrida, 1930–2004

by , , , , and / RP 129 (Jan/Feb 2005) / Obituary

In an interview with Le Monde published a couple of months before his death at the age of 74 from pancreatic cancer on Friday 9 October 2004, Jacques Derrida confirmed what many already knew, that he was ʻdangerously illʼ, ʻat war against myselfʼ. If questions of ʻsurvivalʼ had always ʻhauntedʼ him, this, he said, took …

Karatani’s Marxian parallax

by / RP 127 (Sep/Oct 2004) / Article

The ethics of conviction

Marxism, ontology and religion
by / RP 121 (Sep/Oct 2003) / Article

Uncategorical imperatives

Adorno, Badiou and the ethical turn
by / RP 111 (Jan/Feb 2002) / Article

Levinas’s political judgement

The Esprit articles 1934–1983
by / RP 104 (Nov/Dec 2000) / Article

Ethics without others

A reply to Critchley on Badiou’s Ethics
by / RP 102 (Jul/Aug 2000) / Article

Demanding approval

On the ethics of Alain Badiou
by / RP 100 (Mar/Apr 2000) / Article

Flirting with fascism – the Sloterdijk debate

by / RP 099 (Jan/Feb 2000) / News

‘Radical evil’ revived

Hitler, Kant, Luther, neo-Lacanianism
by / RP 098 (Nov/Dec 1999) / Article

Recognition and resistance

Axel Honneth’s critical social theory
by / RP 094 (Mar/Apr 1999) / Article

Brain waves, transcendental fields and techniques of thought

by / RP 094 (Mar/Apr 1999) / Article

Agnes Heller

Post-Marxism and the ethics of modernity
by and / RP 094 (Mar/Apr 1999) / Interview

Critical reproblemization

Foucault and the task of modern philosophy
by / RP 091 (Sep/Oct 1998) / Article

It was a matter of analyzing … the problemizations through which being offers itself to be, necessarily thought – and the practices on the basis of which these problemizations are formed.

Michel Foucault, The Use of Pleasure 1

Michel Foucault is well known for having periodically redescribed his previous studies in light of …

Hegel and contemporary ethics

by / RP 087 (Jan/Feb 1998) / Conference Report

The rhythm of alterity

Levinas and aesthetics
by / RP 082 (Mar/Apr 1997) / Article

Irigaray anxiety

Luce Irigaray and her ethics for improper selves
by / RP 080 (Nov/Dec 1996) / Article

Drucilla Cornell

Feminism, deconstruction and the law
by and / RP 073 (Sep/Oct 1995) / Interview