
ABC journalist Josh Bavas accused of drug use by Queensland police

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An ABC police reporter with a cold has been detained by police who accused him of being "off his chops" on a dangerous drug.

"If we hadn't hung onto you mate you'd float off into f---ing outer space," one cop says in a video the Brisbane journalist uploaded to Twitter on Saturday, labelling the incident "unbelievable".

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ABC journalist Josh Bavas had a run in with police during a weekend stop at Bunnings when they claimed he was "off his chops on something". Turns out he had only taken cold and flu tablets.

But experienced emergency services reporter Josh Bavas said he only had a cold when two officers detained him outside Bunnings at Oxley, in Brisbane's south-west.

The Queensland Police Service released a statement at 4.30pm, saying senior officers would investigate the officers' behaviour and confirming Mr Bavas didn't have any drugs on him.

"In keeping with our commitment to high standards of behaviour, transparency and accountability, senior officers have reviewed the footage and are examining the behaviour of the police involved," a spokesman said.


The short video shows police speaking to and swearing at Mr Bavas.

"Mate the fact you've got pinpoint eyes and you're looking directly into the sun, they're not dilating, due to the sunlight, I believe you to be under the influence of a dangerous drug," the officer, who identifies himself as Senior Constable Richard Power, says.

"So for the moment, I'm going to detain you for the purpose of a (search)."

In most subjects, pupils constrict when exposed to light and dilate (get wider) in the dark. Some illegal drugs, such as amphetamines, can cause dilated pupils while "pinpoint pupils" are one of the three key symptoms of opiate overdose.

When Mr Bavas says "you're going to detain me?", Senior Constable Power turns to his fellow policeman and and says "Mate, Reedy, he's off his chops on something so I've detained him".

Mr Bavas immediately protests that he's not "off his chops" before the other officer cuts in.

"If we hadn't hung onto you mate you'd float off into f---king outer space."

At this point his colleague reminds him the journalist is recording the whole encounter, prompting an "oh, sorry".

About 1.50pm, ABC News director Gaven Morris tweeted an update, with others in the company declining to comment further.

According to Mr Bavas, that amounted to getting back to building a retaining wall.

Social media reacted to the incident with predictable incredulity, followed by a healthy dose of humour.

Mr Bavas's Twitter handle was even trending in Sydney by Saturday afternoon.