Last Update 16:39
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Ahram Online welcomes readers' comments on all issues covered by the site, along with any criticisms and/or corrections. Readers are asked to limit their feedback to a maximum of 1000 characters (roughly 50 words). All comments/criticisms will, however, be subject to the following code
  • We will not publish comments which contain rude or abusive language, libelous statements, slander and personal attacks against any person/s.
  • We will not publish comments which contain racist remarks or any kind of racial or religious incitement against any group of people, in Egypt or outside it.
  • We welcome criticism of our reports and articles but we will not publish personal attacks, slander or fabrications directed against our reporters and contributing writers.
  • We reserve the right to correct, when at all possible, obvious errors in spelling and grammar. However, due to time and staffing constraints such corrections will not be made across the board or on a regular basis.
An Ahram Online and Jadaliyya Initiative
As part of the Egypt Elections Watch (EEW), Ahram Online and Jadaliyya will produce articles/posts/profiles on a weekly basis, covering organizations, political parties, coalitions, relevant laws and procedures, and profiles of key individuals related to the Egyptian elections. This is in addition to news updates summarizing major developments surrounding the lead-up to the election, such as emerging or shifting alliances, new political positions, and candidacy announcements.

Egypt Elections Watch Team

Editorial Committee
Hani Shukrallah | Fouad Mansour | Hesham Sallam | Dina Samak | Mohamed Waked

Project Coordinator
Mary Mourad

Gamal Essam El-Din | Mahienour ElMasry | Mary Mourad | Osman El Sharnoubi | Salma Shukrallah | Sherif Tarek | Lilian Wagdy

Lizette Baghdadi | Rosie Bsheer | Nabiha Das | Ian Douglas | Elizabeth Guthrie | Adam Morrow | Sherene Seikaly | Nabil Shawkat

Tech Support
Ahmed Farouk | Ahmed Attress | Hassan Hammad

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