
Gorman accused of ripping off indie artists' work

Fashion designer Lisa Gorman has rigorously defended allegations from three independent artists that her label copied their works.

The controversy comes after the brand, which regularly collaborates with artists on its collections, copped strong criticism over a lack of transparency in its supply chain. 

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Melbourne designers Emily Green and Kirra Jamison, and New York artist Amber Ibarreche, each say products sold by Gorman are derivative of their works.

Jamison told Fairfax Gorman's "Jigsaw" collection appeared after she declined to collaborate with the label.

Gorman founder and head designer Lisa Gorman (second from right) with models.
Gorman founder and head designer Lisa Gorman (second from right) with models. Photo: Eddie Jim

"When Gorman released their Jigsaw print many people mistook it for my work, specifically a series of paintings made between 2012 and 2014 that had been based on vinyl cut-outs," Ms Jamison said.

"It's my opinion that Gorman drew heavily on my work without permission."


Ms Green said several of her customers mistook Gorman's Autumn 2016 "terrazzo" drop earrings for earrings she'd been selling since 2013, also called "terrazzo".

"It's disappointing ... I would collaborate with them if I had the opportunity," she said. Many of her customers pair her jewellery with Gorman clothing.

Ms Green said she was "confident" the earrings were a copy but did not raise a formal claim with Gorman over the issue as she had "been down the legal path before and gotten nowhere".

Lightning strikes twice?
Ms Ibarreche alleges Gorman copied her artwork,  Gemz, for a fabric in its 2016 Melbourne Museum collection.

"I've been notified by many fans of mine about this," Ms Ibarreche said.

"I went through a legal process but there was nothing I could do because they added gems I didn't use in my collage. It's so similar and obvious that they pretty much stole my concept."

Lisa Gorman 'upset' and 'offended'

When Fairfax put the artists' claims to Ms Gorman, the label's founder, she said it "upsets me and offends me" to be accused of copying artists' work and that the allegations were "not true".

"I don't take it [the accusations] lightly," she said. "We do probably over 100 prints a year and there might be people's subjective opinions out there socially to think, 'That looks like mine' or 'That looks like hers'. Copying is one thing; influence and trend is a completely different thing."

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Gorman had had "four or five successful claims" against others over intellectual property, including surf label Quiksilver, but no claims against it, she said.

"People often say to me 'Have you seen that, someone's ripped you off'. If I see another gold polka dot on a raincoat ... [but] I'm not claiming ownership to a gold dot on a raincoat.

"I also understand what it's like being a young, small designer – I was a small designer when we [successfully] sued a company. I was on my own."

An IP lawyer briefs Gorman staff on copyright issues annually, and designers sign a statement acknowledging the originality of their work.

'Cease and desist' letter

Ms Gorman said the company responded to a cease and desist letter from Ms Jamison arguing the Jigsaw print was developed from her label's own "papercut" print from a previous collection.

"We had done collage-type products in our collections before and collage technique isn't necessarily something that belongs to any particular person," she said.

The 'papercut' design Gorman says inspired its 'jigsaw' print.

The 'papercut' design Gorman says inspired its 'jigsaw' print. Photo: Gorman

Ms Ibarreche, meanwhile, retracted comments made on social media about the similarity between her work and a Gorman print following a legal letter, Ms Gorman said.

Ms Ibarreche's work was a collage using numerous public domain scientific images with expired copyright. Gorman had used some of the same sources in its design, Ms Gorman said.

This drawing of a sulphur gem appeared in both the Gorman print and Ms Ibarreche's

This drawing of a sulphur gem appeared in both the Gorman print and Ms Ibarreche's Photo: Hannah Francis

Green's "terrazzo" earrings were not used as a reference point in designing Gorman's earrings, she said. The components were sourced from Chinese suppliers with a design brief for "marble". "Anyone can buy them," she said.

Lightning strikes twice?

Mark Williams, an intellectual property lawyer specialising in the creative industries, said two designers could independently come up with the same design.

"There's many an occasion where lightning really has struck in different places ... the zeitgeist can sometimes throw those things up," he said.

"But once the name gets added to it [for example in the case of "terrazzo"] it begins to definitely look problematic."

Regarding Gorman's gemstone print Mr Williams said the "the overall impression to the eye is of similarity" to Ms Ibarreche's print.

Joelle Vincent, an entertainment industry IP lawyer who represented Kirra Jamison pro bono, said there was "arguably a substantial similarity between the elements of their [Gorman's] Jigsaw print and Kirra's painting".

"The print was also so objectively similar to the recognisable style of Kirra's work more generally that it prompted a number of people to approach Kirra asking if she had collaborated with Gorman. So, legitimate questions were raised both in terms of copyright infringement and common law passing off."


#studio by @aliciataylorphotography

A photo posted by @kirrajamison on

 Ms Jamison in her studio in 2014 - wearing Gorman.

Social backlash

Gorman came under fire in April after it posted a photo on Instagram of a worker in a Chinese factory that produces its garments. Backlash from customers on the post included references to copying independent artists' work.

The post was in response to a report by Baptist World Aid Australia which gave Gorman's retail parent, Factory X, an "F" ethical rating. However, Gorman itself did not participate in the survey.

Gorman subsequently promised to release audits of its supply chain after thousands of Australians signed a change.org petition.

More than three months later, some fans have claimed on social media to have "broken up with Gorman" because they are "still waiting" on the audits.

Ms Gorman said the audit process was in the final stages and results would be published within the month.

Kirra Jamison in 2013 - wearing Gorman and Emily Green.

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