
Premier pays tribute to Fisheries boss killed in diving tragedy

Two state government ministers have offered their condolences following the death of Fisheries Queensland boss Andrew Thwaites.

Mr Thwaites died while diving off Moreton Island on Wednesday.

Fisheries Queensland director Andrew Thwaites, 44, has been found dead after failing to resurface on a diving trip off ...
Fisheries Queensland director Andrew Thwaites, 44, has been found dead after failing to resurface on a diving trip off Moreton Island. Photo: Supplied - Facebook

The experienced diver failed to resurface after a group dive at Henderson Rock about 2.20pm, sparking an extensive search and rescue operation.

Police divers recovered his body the next morning.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said Mr Thwaites made a significant contribution during his decades-long service to the Queensland government.

"A passionate marine environmental advocate and scientist, Andrew held many roles with the Queensland government including within Queensland Fisheries Management Authority, Biosecurity Queensland and Fisheries Queensland," she said.


"My thoughts are with his family, friends and work colleagues, and especially his partner Kelly-Anne during this very difficult time.

"Thanks to the many officers of the Queensland Police, Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol, Fisheries Queensland, and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service who assisted in the search." 

Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries Leanne Donaldson said she and members of her department were shocked by the news of Mr Thwaites' death.

"I am shocked and saddened by this tragic news," she said.

"Andrew's loss is felt very deeply in the department. On behalf of his colleagues, our hearts go out to his family and friends at this time."

The close-knit diving community, of which Mr Thwaites was an active member, was still reeling after news of his death.

The dive occurred on the Ekka public holiday and he was joined by a number of his regular dive friends. It is understood his partner was also on the dive.

Police are preparing a report into Mr Thwaites' death for the coroner.