Manage your Blog advertising

Customer Testimonials

  • "Advertising with Blogads is a terrific, cost-effective, way to reach opinion leaders inside and outside the beltway."
    - Charles Territo, AutoAlliance
  • "I'm a huge fan of the Blogads platform and the flexibility it affords our campaigns. Organizations like ours get direct control over a simple and cost-effective system to share ideas with the blogosphere. Designing creative takes no money, no staff, no time, just ideas. The whole model has given us a lot of freedom to experiment with messaging and concepts that we can quickly adjust during the life of the campaign."
    - Eric Cade Schoenborn, Web Communications Director
    American Civil Liberties Union
  • "Blogads is an amazing tool that helps you advertise on some of the hottest sites on the net! The interface provides a user friendly set up with countless ad options to choose from and the ability to monitor your ads and make updates 24/7, which keeps your ads fresh! The Blogads team also provides top notch service for ALL your questions along the way. ModCloth hearts Blogads."
    - Kate Sylanski, Advertising Specialist
  • "The best thing about BlogAds for me is being able to target my audience, and also having several versions so I can see what works best. Also, the support team really helps by suggesting sites that are relevant to the campaign, and within my budget. It's a great value!"
    - Carl Bunin
  • "When I need to find a particular market, whether broad or niche, I think BlogAds. Making that decision even easier is the cost-efficient pricing, impressive share of voice, and conversational ad format. We’ve had strong responses to campaign after campaign with BlogAds."
    - Juston Payne, Associate Director, Online Advertising and Promotion
    John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • "Blogads makes sense for almost any advertising campaign. It's an affordable, easy-to-use means of communicating with the audiences that matter most. We've found that it gives us the biggest bang for our advertising buck."
    - Nick Berning, Press Secretary
    Friends of the Earth
  • "Blogads is ahead of the competition as a thought leader on advertising in social media."
    - Ian Schafer
    Deep Focus
  • "Our first ad was on the 'Possessionista.' We did extremely well with that ad spot. It literally doubled our traffic and our sales went through the roof : )"
  • "Blogads offers a high ROI as compared with magazines, TV advertising, and other Internet ads. We believe it to be one of the most effective sources to drive traffic and sales, as well as being an excellent way to establish brand awareness. "
    - Amy Reed
  • "The blog culture targets an audience that regular online campaigns cannot -- real people talking to real people. Bloggers offer an authentic word of mouth. Here's an extreme example: We bought an ad on a bunch of blogs. One of them was iCing, and I noticed they'd previously posted about American Apparel. Then I realized the blog is based in Melbourne. We had just opened an Australian-based online store, and she'd talked about that too. In addition to the conventionally recorded results, I'm really excited about the un-recorded aspects of this advertising - the fact that it's a discussion, not just yelling into a crowd."
    - Tiffany Srisook
    American Apparel
  • "Blogads lives up to their promise. Our ads are routinely editorialized and picked up by other bloggers, and we've seen more people who click-through, participate in our campaigns by entering contests, taking action, or forwarding on than our ads on any other advertising platform."
    - Joel Bartlett, Marketing Manager
  • "We love working with Blogads, it's always very easy to work with you guys and our campaigns always have great results!"
    - Christina McEwen, Communications & Marketing Coordinator
    AIDS Healthcare Foundation
  • "New York blogs are a great way to advertise live shows! You can target blogs that are location-based and promote special offers or contests to drive additional traffic. We find it very effective in converting new audiences to Broadway and Off-Broadway."
    - Jim Glaub
    Art Meets Commerce
  • "I do a majority of my online advertising with Blogads and Adwords. Blogads offers a huge variety of great blogs, and its customer service is fantastic."
    - Lisa Cerqueira
    Senior Publicist, Interactive Marketing
    WGBH Boston
  • " is the 'Intel-inside' the blog revolution. Banner ads may let you reach customers, but blog ads let you create salespeople. Blog readers are people who like nothing better than talking to others -- both online AND offline. is the way to go. The selection is incredible and the entire team have been incredibly helpful in showing us how to get the most bang for the buck from our blog ad campaigns. I've posted at least 500 ads with since 2004, and the response has been phenomenal. In the time since began using, our traffic has increased more than ten-fold. Nothing else has come close in bang for the buck."
    - John Hlinko Grassroots Enterprise and
  • "We have been blown away by the results of our blogad buys and by the range of reporting and advanced blog searching services offered on your web site. You make it so easy to buy the right targeted inventory and even easier to make creative changes while a campaign is progressing."
    - Matthew Zablud
    Adfero Group
  • "I am so happy with all your company has done for my business. I really can't believe the events that have occurred in the last year. I started buying blogads in July of 2005 for my online store. A few weeks later, I got called by Distinctive Assets, the company that does the events for the Grammy® awards. They'd seen my blogads and wanted my t-shirts in the award ceremony gift bags.
    I started getting OTHER phone calls. The Grammy® award gift bag led to a call from a member of the musical group The Black Eyed Peas. Two pairs of custom jeans were made especially for their tour.
    Then an article in the Washington Post business section featured my business. Media coverage by most of the major TV networks here in the United States brought in more orders. In addition to coverage in the United States, stories in the Australian and Canadian media have added to the orders. I went from being a small Kansas City retailer/manufacturer to having orders from around the world. And all this comes from buying Blogads on blogs like Perez Hilton, etc. Only 1% of my ad spend has been elsewhere. I've started other businesses and have hired two people.
    Before jumping into online retail, I spent 20 years as a media buyer/planner. Many of my clients were national accounts, name brands. As a media professional, it was my opinion that advertising on blogs would be a great way to reach people who are innovators and early adopters...but I never recommended blog advertising for my clients due to the horrendous process it was to implement the advertising....and then I found Blogads is the perfect, no hassle solution for advertising on blogs! Thank you for transforming my business."
    - Michelle Lamar
  • "My favorite 'buzz seeding' tool currently is the amazing network over at in part because of the interesting things you can do when you leave the IAB standards behind. People tend to blog about what they see on other blogs they read: the percentage of blog readers who actually also have blogs might surprise you. Call it nepotism, call it a connected community, call it a global feedback loop, call it influencer marketing. So your bonus ripples are that you start seeing blog entries describing the experience of having discovered the campaign (testimonial meets fresh incoming hyperlinks) that typically start with a description of where they heard about it."
    - Brian Clark, creator of campaigns for SharpTV, Audi and Levis, writing in GMDstudios
  • "BlogAds has been an enormously successful component of nearly every online media campaign I've developed."
    - Craig Peters
  • "I'm very pleased with the ROI on Blogads, both in terms of new clients and resumes for our political staffing company. I can spend $250 to $1000 a month on a blog, advertising on right-leaning or left-leaning blogs according to our needs, and connect with visitors who are more literate, more targeted and more interested in politics than on other sites."
    - Chris Jones, President
  • "Blogads lets me set up a campaign in 5 minutes and get better results than other services that take hours and cost a lot more."
    - Ramsay
    Blog Tyrant
  • "I started using only two days ago and I'm already seeing very positive results concerning the reach of my company. The website is extremely easy to use, and the prices are very reasonable. I wish I found Blogads a year ago! A commendable service."
    - James Moore, CEO
  • "Having experimented with Blogads last year, we've devoted a much-increased portion of our marketing budget to your service this year. Blogads is a great service, simple to use and control. For a niche publisher like our company, Blogads has been a fantastic resource for reaching potential customers we couldn't otherwise hit at affordable prices. I talk Blogads up whenever I can."
    - Chug Roberts, Publisher
  • "We were very pleased with the Blog campaign for VH1 Celebreality. Blog Ads provided a strong boost of awareness as well as a viral buzz in the weeks leading up to the premiere. The huge number of impressions and solid CTR were also encouraging."
    - Jonathan Powell
  • "I found the staff at BLOGADS to be top caliber. They are highly knowledgeable about targeting audiences and are very skilled and professional. They went out of their way to answer all my questions about setting up ads, and helped with my overall campaign and design ideas. The system itself is highly easy to navigate and track, very user-friendly. I can say without reservation that BLOGADS helped dramatically to increase the visibility of my work and to provide a better on-line presence for it."
    - Sandra Novack
    Author of Precious
  • "I love using the blogad combination of image and link-filled text. Blogs are filled with opinion, news, debate, links, humor, passion, information, factoids, personality --compared to all this, traditional IAB units are way too limiting for blog advertising."
    - Beth Kirsch
  • "Blogads makes it a snap to create and customize our campaigns, and the traffic they send to our book and author sites is significant. But the best part is being able to share space (mind-space, virtual-space, screen-space) with the bloggers who -- if they embrace our books and authors -- make all the difference."
    - Farah Miller, Manager of New Media
    The Knopf Publishing Group
  • "I've been extremely pleased with the success of our BlogAds campaigns. No other medium gives us the same level of targeted results."
    - Matt Wade
    eChristian Web Hosting
  • "My company has only been online 19 days, and sales are way ahead of expectations. I wasted some time with Google AdWords, and then switched to Blogads. All my sales at this point have come through Blogads. Jewelry is not usually an impulse purchase, so my plan is to place the ads in selected blogs and keep them there long term. I really appreciate the Blogads interface. I like being able to change out the ad whenever I want to. It's far more effective than having the viewer see the same thing over and over - particularly when you have a visual product to sell, like I do."
    - Robb Debenport
  • "Businesses and ad agencies that dismiss blogs and blog ads are nuts! Blogads are absolutely phenomenal. Compared with print ads we've run in the Village Voice, blogads target our exact demographic and give four times the 'bang-for-buck.' You are keeping our fulfillment guy extremely busy. Bloggers put us on the map and blogads are definitely keeping us there."
    - Richard Luckett
  • "After my ad for Klezmer Christmas started running yesterday on TalkingPointsMemo, my traffic was up five or six fold. I was up late last night processing orders. This is fantastic. I think blogads are going to be much bigger than banners. You are able to so closely target the sensibility of the people you are advertising to. I just knew Josh's audience would appreciate the humor of my album and I've been proven right."
    - Paul Libman
    Libman Music
  • "Thanks for the blogads service. We've gotten very good CPM and CPC rates this way; it's definitely been helpful to us."
    - Elias Israel
  • "With blogads I'm getting about 50% of the customers as [name deleted].com delivers... for about 5-10% the cost. Plus it's a better demographic. Buying a Blogad is a bit like getting this really cool person to tell everybody she knows about your work, for the price of a half-can of soda per day. Blogads are the next best thing to word-of-mouth."
    - Cartoonist Hugh Macleod
  • "I like Blogads; I'm getting a better click-thru rate on them than I had on BCentral banner ads, for the most part. At least, more people are actually BUYING my books after clicking through. I really wanted to focus to a narrow market, especially L.A.-based media. I know the big money in writing is having movie options on your book. (I've optioned one already), not selling books. So if I can just break even in sales, but expose the books to people who can get me into the movie-making machine, that is what I'm after. I can't get that with the rather broad dispersal in banner advertising."
    - David Kilpatrick, Author LA Stalker
  • "As a veteran Google advertiser and guy who understands the importance of anharmonious color schemes in obtaining Ebay Power Seller status, I'm excited by Blogads. Not only is it a chance for the independent businessman to support the independent writer, but blog enthusiasts, comprised as they are of people who, you know, read stuff online and sometimes send Paypal, constitute the best market out there for selling digital goods. Particularly on weeks when their favorites authors take vacation."
    - David Moynihan
    Blackmask Online
  • "I was pleased with the clicks I got advertising on Creating an ad couldn't have been smoother. Uploading a graphic and text helped get my message across. Very cost-effective!"
    - Douglas Arellanes, Head of Research and Development



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