

Calling Sun Yang a drug cheat exposes double standards at Rio Olympics

Forced to choose, I'd take enlightenment over irrationality – who wouldn't. I'd take reasoned argument instead of poisoned invective – every time. Give me fair justice and keep me well clear of frenzied vigilantism, however as-a-matter-of-last-resort the latter might seem to be. 

The counterbalance, of course, is that because we live in an enlightened society (at least I hope we do), each of us enjoys freedom of speech. It was the author Salman Rushdie (who knows a thing or two about the repercussions of exercising that freedom), who once questioned, "What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist".  

Rio rage: Olympic champion Sun Yang.
Rio rage: Olympic champion Sun Yang. Photo: AP

Anybody who seriously takes aim at Australia's Mack Horton, or the French swimmer Camille Lacourt, for their respective declarations that China's Olympic freestyle gold medallist Sun Yang is a "cheat", who "pisses purple", might better draw a deep breath. Such opprobrium would never be permitted by the Chinese propaganda machine. Be forever thankful that in Australia (and France) such restrictions don't apply. That we live in a world where spectators can boo and heckle athletes they've paid serious money for the pleasure of watching – that freedom must be celebrated. 

But with the Olympic swimming program reaching a crescendo with this weekend's 1500m freestyle duel between Horton and Yang, it's timely to ask, is Yang indeed guilty of acts so adulterous as to warrant being forced to wear sport's scarlet letter, the label of "drug cheat"?

Yang tested positive for the prohibited stimulant Trimetazidine in mid-2014. That test was conducted at the Chinese swimming championships. Trimetazidine was first added to the World Anti-Doping Agency's prohibited list in January 2014 – a substance prohibited in-competition only. That an athlete might ingest Trimetazidine out-of-competition is inconsequential. Any illicit behaviour lies in the fact the same athlete later participates in competition before the substance clears his or her system.

Yang was suspended for three months by China's swimming federation. The maximum penalty that could have been imposed was two years. 


In December 2014, WADA, which has a right of appeal if it perceives a sanction to be light, elected not to proceed further after reviewing the case file. That said, WADA admonished the Chinese federation for not publicly announcing Yang's penalty within the required 20-day timeframe. 

Neither the objective leniency of Yang's ban, nor the secrecy of the Chinese proceedings, can reasonably be sheeted home to Yang.  

It's a debate for another day, whether tennis should even be an Olympic Games sport. Golf shouldn't be. One suspects nobody polled Tiger Woods or Rory McIlroy before the IOC voted in 2009 to bring back golf from 112 years in Olympic Siberia. Tennis is more warmly embraced by the sport's top players, as an Olympic discipline. One of those players competing in Rio is Croatia's world No.14, Marin Cilic. Cilic and Yang have much in common.

Like many professional tennis players, Formula One drivers and cyclists, Cilic lives in Monaco. In April 2013 Cilic dispatched his mother to a Monte Carlo pharmacy where she purchased for her son a packet of "Coramine Glucose" tablets. Inside that packet was a leaflet thatstated the tablets contained an active ingredient that could result in a positive anti-doping test.  

That active ingredient was the WADA-prohibited stimulant Nikethamide, labelled on the packet in French as "Nicethamide". Just like the stimulant Trimetazidine, Nikethamide is prohibited in-competition only.

Cilic took the tablets over a five-day period from April 23. Thereafter he reverted to a different glucose preparation that he had used previously (like many tennis players). On May 1 Cilic lost in a first-round match at the BMW Open in Munich. He was subjected to a routine, in-competition doping sample collection later that day and it tested positive for the presence of a metabolite of Nikethamide. He accepted a provisional suspension in late June. 

Again, that Cilic ingested Nikethamide is immaterial. That he played in Munich with traces of Nikethamide in his system is the threshold issue. 

In September 2013 an International Tennis Federation tribunal found Cilic guilty of doping and banned him for nine months, partially backdated. Cilic appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. In April 2014 the CAS

set aside the ITF's nine-month suspension, instead imposing a four-month ban, with credit for time served. Just as in Sun Yang's case, the maximum available penalty was two years. 

In coming to its decision, the CAS panel determined Cilic's was a "standard" case of an athlete having a "light" degree of fault. These findings were based on evidence including that Cilic had taken some precautions, including having his mother attempt to ascertain whether the tablets were safe for a professional tennis player to use, and Cilic reading the packet's list of ingredients, albeit with a limited grasp of French (Cilic didn't bother with the leaflet inside the packet). 

The CAS said that had the glucose tablets been a medicine designed for a therapeutic purpose, Cilic would have been compelled to exercise a higher duty of care because medicines often contain WADA-prohibited substances. The substance which Yang took, containing Trimetazidine, was a medication. 

Perhaps Yang got off comparatively light, but he didn't escape punishment. Consider then this conundrum: why is Yang roundly pilloried, yet Cilic can compete at the same Games in the bubble of "tranquility" (whatever that means) idealised by the IOC? Neither Cilic nor Yang were found to have doped intentionally. 

Though Yang has something of the villainesque Ivan Drago about him, why is he hectored so vociferously? Is it that Chinese swimming behaved secretly, where the reasons for the three-month ban remain decidedly opaque. Or is it simply that Yang is Chinese? History tells us the Chinese aren't exactly the epitome of trustworthiness in these matters. 

Yet those matters of history, married with the utter lack of transparency in the Chinese adjudicative process, cannot fairly be levelled at Yang. Though the whole framework of sport's anti-doping governance is a mess, it isn't one of Yang's making. 

It would be dangerous and foolhardy to tarnish Sun Yang and Russia's Yulia Efimova with the same brush – the latter's history of breaking anti-doping rules is a long one. By the same token, if you hiss at Sun Yang you cannot celebrate Marin Cilic. 

Darren Kane is a Sydney sports lawyer
Twitter: @sportslawyer7