
  • Digital and Mobile Security for Journalists and Bloggers - Arabic

    The Digital and Mobile Security Manual, a guide that offers advice to reporters and bloggers on creating risk-reduction plans and digital and mobile security protocols, is now available for Arabic-speaking journalists. Written by Knight International Journalism Fellow Jorge Luis Sierra with support from Freedom House and the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), the manual explains how journalists and citizen reporters can use new digital security tools to improve their online safety.

    The guide aims to create a new culture of digital security for journalists to help them...

  • Manual de Seguridad Digital y Móvil

    The Manual de Seguridad Digital y Móvil (Manual of Digital and Mobile Security) for journalists and bloggers, written by Knight International Journalism Fellow Jorge Luis Sierra, offers advice on creating risk-reduction plans and digital and mobile security protocols. The manual, produced by Freedom House and the International Center for Journalists, guides journalists and citizen reporters in the protection of their sources and information and, ultimately, of their own physical, legal and psychological security. Its advice is geared toward journalists in Mexico, but is applicable to a...

  • Basic Journalism: Reporting, Writing and Editing Materials - Uzbek

    This manual is a guide for journalists working in the republics of the former Soviet Union and is a practical textbook focusing on reporting, writing and editing for independent newspapers. The manual may also serve other professionals seeking to perfect their own practical basics of fundamental journalism.

  • Basic Journalism: Reporting, Writing and Editing Materials - Tajik

    This manual is a guide for journalists working in the republics of the former Soviet Union and is a practical textbook focusing on reporting, writing and editing for independent newspapers. The manual may also serve other professionals seeking to perfect their own practical basics of fundamental journalism.

  • Media Training - Tajik

    This manual has been adapted from the International Center for Journalists’ operational handbook and has been used by our trainers for more than a decade. It pulls together long-proven methods of training adults in general, professional journalists and managers in particular, and international journalists and managers especially. It comes from lessons learned (sometimes the hard way) in more than 20 years of training by the Center, its staff, and its hundreds of adjunct faculty and consultants who have made a science out of imparting information and skills to others.

  • Guía de Periodismo en la Era Digital

    Esta guía ha sido diseñada para periodistas hispanoparlantes que ya tienen un poco de experiencia en el área del periodismo digital. La meta es darle a estos periodistas un vistazo a la industria del periodismo hispano en los Estados Unidos y las habilidades técnicas y periodísticas que se necesitan para tener éxito en esta carrera.

  • Digital and Mobile Security for Mexican Journalists and Bloggers

    A new survey of 102 journalists and bloggers in 20 Mexican states shows nearly 70 percent have been threatened or have suffered attacks because of their work. In addition, 96 percent say they know of colleagues who have been attacked. Respondents to the survey also say they view cyber-espionage and email-account cracking as the most serious digital risks they face. And while nearly all have access to and rely on the Internet, social networks, mobile phones and blogging platforms for their work, they also admit that they have little or no command of digital security tools such as encryption...

  • Seguridad Digital y Móvil para Periodistas y Blogueros

    Una nueva encuesta a 102 periodistas y blogueros en 20 estados de la república mexicana muestra que cerca del 70% de ellos han sido atacados por su trabajo. Además, 96% dice que conocen a otros colegas que también han sido atacados. Los participantes de la encuesta identifican al espionaje cibernético y el crackeo de correos electrónicos como los riesgos digitales más graves que enfrentan. Asimismo, aunque casi todos utilizan Internet, redes sociales, teléfonos móviles y plataformas de blogs para desempeñar su trabajo, ellos reportan tener conocimiento pobre o nulo del uso de herramientas...

  • Journalism Ethics: The Global Debate

    All over the world, journalists are facing threats to the professional standards of journalism. This manual encourages journalists and media managers to think about ethics in their profession and develop guidelines to meet their circumstances.

  • Ten Practical Tips for Covering Development

    By definition, development stories are big news in developing countries. The problem is media reports are typically just government announcements of infrastructure development – roads, bridges, hospitals, etc. – and official claims that lives will improve. Those articles turn off the reading and viewing public, and that has some editors pulling their staffs off this important coverage.

    Here are 10 tips for covering development from Edem Djokotoe,...