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Plenty can share blame for census fiasco

Illustration: Alan Moir

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, in which case the three pictures on the front page of the Herald are alone worth the entire day's edition.

Before the Big Bang

Prof.  Albert Einstein is shown a few days before his 70th birthday anniversary in his home in Princeton, New Jersey, in ...

Imagine the world as seen by a peasant in the year 1016. Let us call him Alfred.

Jail not the answer for petty drug crimes 

Offenders could soon spend up to 25 years in jail.

Australia could learn a lot from the fact that a number of American cities are successfully reducing the role of criminalisation in their drug policies.

Census debacle puts the Prime Minister on notice

SMH editorial dinkus

The Herald urged people to fill in the census form fully and honestly. We noted the ABS's assurances that its systems were robust enough to protect our personal information from attack. That appears not to have been so. Trust is broken.

Incensed by census? You are not alone

SMH letters dinkus

So, despite assurances that it couldn't possibly happen, the ABS census website crashed badly when called upon to 'do its part for Australia'.  ("Malicious hackers behind website collapse",, August 10).


Paul Keating said Turnbull was brilliant, fearless, but he lacked judgment, his fatal flaw.

How Turnbull was set up for his downfall

All the pictures of Malcolm Turnbull looking glum since Saturday night tell us a story we already instinctively knew: he fears he has miscalculated again.