WA News

WA victims recalls 'domestic terror' that forced her to rebuild life

"Miss T" says the words domestic violence don't capture the horror of being abused in your own home by a so-called loved one.

"It is domestic terror, every day when you hear the car or just hear the voice or wake up in the morning thinking what is the next day going to hold," she told reporters.

Ms T says she was nearly broken by her experiences, but is recovering and has rebuilt her life.
Ms T says she was nearly broken by her experiences, but is recovering and has rebuilt her life. 

Miss T, who did not want to reveal her real name, was in an abusive relationship with her former husband for 16 years from when she was married at 18.

More recently, her own son copied his father and became violent abusive towards her too and she now has no relationship with him.

She was nearly broken by the experiences, but is recovering and has rebuilt her life with the help of the Perth-based Zonta House Refuge Association, which provides accommodation and support services to women who have experienced violence and other crises.

Zonta House and other domestic violence programs are a focus in the latest round of the WA Government's crime prevention grants totalling $147,585 announced on Thursday by Deputy Premier Liza Harvey.


"You build your pride up and walk out there and represent something ... then suddenly you are absolutely nothing in your mind, when you are told for so many years you are nothing you need a lot of work to overcome that and build that resilience," Miss T told reporters.

"I feel much stronger, I am getting there but you have to repeatedly do the courses on domestic violence before it sinks in and that's why the funding is important."

Zonta's new Keep Safe Program received funding, which includes self-defence classes for women and children, police information about safety in the home and family lawyers explaining rules around violence restraining orders.

The total annual crime prevention grants pool is $1.05 million.

* National domestic violence helpline: 1800 737 732 or 1800RESPECT. In an emergency call triple-zero.