

The secret focus group that told Malcolm Turnbull he would win the election

Malcolm Turnbull campaigned as if he didn't think he could lose. Bill Shorten behaved as if he had nothing to lose.

The Prime Minister conducted a regal campaign at a stately pace and resolutely refused to descend to savage attacks on his opponent. Even though the national opinion polls showed a very close contest at 50:50 from the very outset.

Illustration: John Shakespeare
Illustration: John Shakespeare  

In the event, Turnbull came within a few thousand votes of losing majority government. The question is, heading into a tight election, why wasn't he more aggressive?

And Bill Shorten was taking some bold risks, long before the campaign began. He put aside the standard advice to an opposition leader to present a "small target". That is, avoid announcing policies, concentrate on attacking the Prime Minister and wait for the government to lose.

Anthony Albanese with Opposition Leader Bill Shorten in Parliament House in May.
Anthony Albanese with Opposition Leader Bill Shorten in Parliament House in May. Photo: Andrew Meares

Instead, Shorten proposed controversial policies to curb negative gearing, halve the discount on capital gains tax, and shut off some superannuation perks.   

The question is, why? Why take the risk of offending voters with actual policies when he could put all his effort into just attacking the government?


In both cases, the explanation has to do with vulnerability. When Shorten was asked why he was taking such risks, he told a confidant: "I don't have a choice."

In his early months as Prime Minister Turnbull was dominant. The electorate was gradually losing hope in him, yet he was far ahead of the Labor leader in the polls. Shorten struggled to get attention. And the pressure was on. He not only had Turnbull before him, he had a rising revolt at his rear.

Malcolm Turnbull took advantage of incumbency to project stability and reliability. No sudden moves.
Malcolm Turnbull took advantage of incumbency to project stability and reliability. No sudden moves. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

His Labor allies warned him that, unless he lifted his standing by February, Anthony Albanese would challenge him for the leadership. He could not be assured of winning.

There's an impression that a Labor leader is now protected from challenge during a parliamentary term by the party's new rules. This is true but irrelevant – the simple fact is that if a challenger has enough support to overthrow his leader, he also has enough support to call a caucus meeting and change the rules. And then challenge.

And even if he survived February, he wouldn't be safe. If Labor lost the election, Albanese would come after him anyway.

Shorten fought his way out, striking Turnbull when he had a chance and announcing his own policies as weapons of mass attention. His big, bold ideas were declared by mid-February. He started to rise in the polls as Turnbull continued to fall. The Albanese push evaporated.

And the government? The focus group research by the Liberal's longtime pollster, Mark Textor, had found that the country was yearning for stability.

A solid bulk of the electorate was anxious about the economy and about the world and was resistant to the idea of yet more political turmoil from Canberra.

This suggested two dominant themes for the Liberals. One was that Turnbull had to take advantage of incumbency to project stability and reliability. No sudden moves. The other was that Turnbull should take advantage of his own perceived business nous and the Liberal brand advantage on economic management to project economic reassurance.

"The punters had a gutful of all the political games, an absolute gutful," said a Liberal strategist. "They didn't want to hear us talking about ourselves any more, they wanted to hear us talking about what mattered to them, and that was jobs."

Presto! Turnbull's "jobs and growth" theme, conveyed through a steady, no-surprises campaign, was born. This was a deliberate play to the Prime Minister's strengths.

A big, concealed source of Liberal reassurance was a key finding about the intentions of voters.

Even when polls showed that 33 to 35 per cent of people intended to vote Labor, not all of these actually wanted Labor to win power.

"When you asked people whether they wanted Labor to form majority government, at no time in the marginal seats did Labor get more than 25 per cent," said a Liberal campaigner, citing internal research.

People might want to vote for Labor as a matter of traditional allegiance, or out of protest at the government, but they did not actually want a Labor government, the Liberals concluded. This gave the Liberal campaign team some confidence that they didn't need to do much to bring Labor down.

And when the Liberals considered doing just that, they found themselves constrained by their vulnerability.

"We could have spent millions saying Bill is a creep and the unions are corrupt," said a Liberal strategist, "but the people were already there."

Further, the Textor research led the Liberals to the conclusion that the electorate was not interested in Coalition attacks on Labor:

"We found that they wanted to hear that we had a positive plan for the future for them  – when we got off 'positive', when we got off 'plan', when we got off 'future', and into negative, our vote came off."

A key Liberal said that the national polling showing a 50:50 electorate from the outset was correct: "We started the campaign in a precarious position, with a pathway to victory – but it was a narrow path."

A blunt attack on unions revived voters' anxiety about the Liberals as the party of WorkChoices-style extremism, party operatives said.

A tough attack on Labor's record on asylum seekers aroused uneasiness at the suffering of those in detention, Liberals said. Peter Dutton did exactly that by going too far on asylum seekers during the campaign, according to Liberal strategists.

"If we'd attacked Labor harder, it would have driven voters away from us, it would have splintered our own vote further," said a top Liberal.

If the inner Liberal strategy team felt constrained in their ability to run an aggressive attack on Labor, no one else could see it.

"We kept thinking, what are we missing?" a Labor operative said. "Turnbull campaigned as if he was winning when everything we saw said it was a tight contest.

"We kept waiting for the massive negative campaign against us, but it never came. We'd hear they'd made a big ad buy [booking TV advertising time] and we'd say, ok, this must be it.

"But it never came."

If Labor's campaign team had designed a campaign against itself, what attacks would it have run?

One Labor strategist said that he would have run ads reminding people of the Labor governments of 2007 to 2013 and hammered the point that "Labor is not ready to govern".

Another Labor strategist said he would have zeroed in on Shorten as personally untrustworthy. Another said he'd have taken out paid ads to remind voters of Labor's record on asylum seekers.

These are the Labor vulnerabilities as seen by Labor; the Liberals felt unable to take the opportunity to drive home the attack.

And, of course, Labor felt no such restraint. It slammed the government relentlessly over Turnbull's alleged plan to privatise Medicare.

In Labor's original campaign plan, the Mediscare effort was to be reserved for the last two weeks of the eight-week campaign, set off during the official campaign launch.

But when the campaign seemed to become becalmed around midway – or, to quote a Labor strategist, "when it became shit-boring" – the national secretary, George Wright, decided to bring Mediscare campaign forward by a week and a half.

It was a thunderous success. Both major parties agree it hit the Liberals especially in low-income, welfare-dependent seats, such as the three Liberal seats in Tasmania that fell to Labor.

The Liberals scrambled to deny the claim and to run counter ads, but to little avail. The Abbott government's proposal for a GP co-payment, which failed in the Senate, had sown distrust of Liberal credentials on Medicare.

"It was not incredible that the nasty Tories would attack your Medicare," a top Liberal conceded, even though the government had no such plan.

At the same time, Labor tried to clear one of its own liabilities out of sight in the last fortnight. It stopped announcing big new spending plans.

To counter the Labor Mediscare, the Liberals ramped up their own positive ads. The one with Turnbull walking into a hallway and turning to the camera to outline his positive plan was on especially high rotation.

In the final few days before the advertising blackout took effect, the Liberals were spending about a million dollars every night on TV ads in Sydney alone as they desperately sought to save seats in the city's west.

The case for the Coalition was reinforced by the Brexit shock, which also successfully blocked Labor's campaign messages for about three days.

And the Liberals' little secret that even many Labor voters didn't truly want a Labor government? Labor was in on that.

Party operatives told reporters and Labor MPs that Labor could expect to pick up an extra eight or so seats, when they needed 19 to win power.

The NSW branch of the Labor Party even commissioned research to allow it to talk down the party's chances. They were delighted to see a Daily Telegraph front-page declaration that "Bill's Going Down" a day before the election.

But, on election night, Labor's inner campaign group had a list of 15 seats they thought they'd likely win. In other words, the party downplayed its prospects in the hope that they'd sneak into power unexpectedly. In the event, they gained a net 13 or perhaps 14, depending on the outcome in Herbert.

Inflating their meagre strengths and constrained by their vulnerabilities, Shorten did well enough to earn the right to keep his job, and Turnbull has held onto his. Just.  

Peter Hartcher is political editor.


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