
Latest National News

The ABS announced the census was back online on Thursday afternoon.

Many Australians confused Sensis with census

While millions of Australians were unable to log onto the Australian Bureau of Statistics' Census website on Tuesday night, thousands of other users met with similar frustration after misspelling the name of the national survey.

Tax men swoop on dodgy firms

ATO Deputy Commissioner Michael Cranston.

Up to 120 Australian Tax Office and Australian Securities and Investment Commission investigators yesterday raided 13 Melbourne and Brisbane offices and homes as part of a major investigation into corrupt bankruptcy businesses.

The uni degree for jobs that don't exist yet

Animal Logic  made its name doing digital effects for films such as <i>Happy Feet</I>.

UTS has joined forces with special effects company Animal Logic to offer a new postgraduate degree in animation and visual effects, in a joint venture pitched at making Australia a leader in the burgeoning virtual reality industry.