

Single sex schools are not the answer for our girls

When Lydia Khalil, a respected expert on Middle East affairs and international terrorism, said on Q&A; this week, "We don't like to see women's naked ambition out there," I wondered just how far that went. Is it only a woman's brazen ambition that offends society's sensibilities, or do we feel the same about ambitious, achieving young girls too?

Khalil was talking about the anti-Hillary misogyny assailing the Clinton campaign in the US presidential election when she made this remark. She explained that Hillary is "a woman who has her naked ambition out on display, who's striving for power. And that's what we really have a problem with in western societies. We see women in power, and more or less we're OK with it. But we don't like to see how the sausage is being made."

Illustration: Andrew Dyson
Illustration: Andrew Dyson Illustration: Andrew Dyson

And I think she's right. As a collective culture we don't generally embrace outward ambition, assertiveness or competition in women in everyday life and business. There seems to be something offensive and "unladylike" to society as a whole about a woman's pursuit of success and power.

"We're used to seeing men strive for power. We're not used to seeing women do that," Khalil continued. "It was the same here for Julia Gillard. People were OK with her being in power, but they weren't OK with how she got there so publicly. If a man had done that, you know, that's fine because that's the model we've been used to for hundreds of years. We are used to seeing men strive for power. We're not used to women doing that."

Security analyst Lydia Khalil on Q&A.
Security analyst Lydia Khalil on Q&A.;  Photo: ABC

Isn't it time that we were?

But then, why do we continue to tout institutions that further the indoctrination of our youth into our outdated, gender-biased ideologies that inhibit the very progress that those institutions are designed to promote? Like single-sex schools.


A Melbourne University study recently concluded that girls in co-ed schools are less confident in their maths skills compared to boys. The study found that by the time students at co-ed schools are in Year 8, boys' confidence levels far exceed girls' even if the boys' performance is equal to the girls'.

So, of course, one way to improve a girl's confidence is to sequester her away to an all-girls school where her successes are her humble secrets, her achievements won't offend society's norms, and her gender won't be a distraction or a disability. To the sausage factory she goes.

The Alliance of Girls Schools Australia has also presented research that shows that "girls benefit from single-sex environments where there are no expectations that they should fulfil traditional gender stereotypes in the subjects they study, the activities they participate in, or the careers they pursue."

And therein lies the heart of the matter. Why aren't we challenging those "traditional gender stereotypes"?

And why aren't we challenging them in co-ed environments where they're born and bred rather than accommodating them in unrealistic settings like single-sex schools? We sow the seeds of sexism and gender stereotyping as long as we continue to plant future generations in tainted soil.

We shouldn't be segregating our students based on gender. We should be encouraging all students to strive together to succeed and to compete with equal opportunity and respectful ambition. If this is what we want for ourselves as a population, it starts with what we teach our children, what we model for them, and what value we assign to them through our social constructs and expectations.

Professor Geoff Prince, Director of the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute, seems to get it. He's championing a $22 million initiative to increase female student participation in maths at co-ed schools.

And that's an important and significant step in the right direction to increase gender equality in schools and in our culture. But on a day-to-day basic level, we've got to get over this condition we suffer from as a society, this aversion we have to seeing a woman strive for power and success.

We need to stop being offended by a woman's "naked ambition," as Khalil puts it, and encourage bold ambition in all.And it starts at the beginning, in our homes and in our schools. Isn't it glaringly obvious how wrong it is to blame a girl's lack of confidence, the implication of a weak constitution, for her inability to keep up with boys in co-ed schools?

The solution isn't to coddle the girls away and protect them from reality in gender-serving, single-sex schools, even if their maths skills do improve. The solution isn't to tell the girls to toughen up, either. As a society we need to recognise that students should be taught, together, the social skills required to be an ambitious and successful culture made stronger by equal effort on the part of both genders.

I would hate to slip any closer to the world that Donald Trump described when he was recently asked what advice he would give his daughter if she were sexually harassed in the workplace. "I would like to think she would find another career or find another company if that was the case," he said. I'd say those are sorrowfully low standards, Mr Trump. Instead, I would like to set our sights on a world where gender stereotypes don't threaten a person's safety or success, and women do not have to self-segregate in order to feel confident and respected.

Aubrey Perry is a Fairfax columnist.