Small Business

Top 10 worst customers: which one are you?

Don't be that guy and blame the poor customer service worker.

Most people who abuse customer service workers are just in a bad mood.
Most people who abuse customer service workers are just in a bad mood. Photo: Getty Images

It isn't until you work in call centres, retail or hospitality that you realise just how insufferable many customers can be. I've worked in all three and can affirm there's something about those environments that brings out the worst in people. My suspicions have been confirmed in two studies released in recent months.

One of those was conducted by researchers at the University of Central Florida who surveyed just under 300 hotel workers. Of the myriad uncivil customers these poor fellows encounter on a daily basis, the top 10 are listed below. In order from most to least prominent, the worst customers are those who:

1.      Take their anger and frustration out on employees.

2.      Make insulting comments.

3.      Cast personal attacks against the person serving them.

4.      Are condescending and/or patronising.


5.      Openly comment on employee performance and competence.

6.      Make unreasonable demands.

7.      Talk on their phone or text while being served.

8.      Are impatient and irritable.

9.      Demand to speak with the manager.

10.     Fail to make eye contact.

Numbers seven and nine were always my pet peeves. The former because of the overt disrespect (how hard is it, really, to put the phone down for just one minute?) and the latter because of the, well, overt disrespect (especially when the manager ended up taking the customer's side).

It's unsurprising the scholars discovered the behaviour of bad customers consequently makes employees "feel more stressed, disappointed, and emotionally exhausted" such that employees resort to a variety of coping strategies. Some of the most common yet unproductive include walking out and drinking alcohol while some of the more constructive are meditation and prayer.

The second study, published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, was initiated following prior research that showed that of the three sources of incivility that employees are usually confronted by – bosses, colleagues, and customers – it's customers that are "perhaps the most deleterious".

These researchers adopted a different perspective premised by this question: What makes customers behave rudely in the first place? To arrive at an answer, they approached people who had admittedly been horrible to customer service representatives recently and then asked those customers to explain what triggered them to behave in that way. The top three responses were as follows:

1. Bad moods: Seventy-six per cent confessed they had been impolite for unrelated reasons. In other words, they were just having a bad day, were frustrated by other matters, or as one of the customers put it: "I've gone into stores and just been in a pissy mood, and because of it, been a little short with people."

2. Defective products and/or poor service: Sixty-six  per cent of respondents acted badly because they were angry with issues such as difficulties cancelling a subscription, getting a refund, or as one individual put it: "I called because I was frustrated with the organisation as a whole, not with the service person who happened to get stuck answering my call. I definitely took my frustration out on her because of this."

3. Lack of competence: Fifty-four per cent blamed the customer service representative for lacking knowledge, making mistakes, acting carelessly, giving inaccurate information, and being unable to help. A case in point: "I had to go back on three separate occasions because I kept receiving different feedback from various employees … I was feeling very frustrated and angry, and became short-tempered and rude."

So effectively what this means is that customers blame themselves first, the organisation second, and the employees third. But it's the employees who cop it. 

How do you respond to bad customers in your business?

James Adonis is the author of Employee Enragement.

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