Featured Products
Starting from $2.75/hr or from $24,200/yr for software
Trend Micro
Starting from $0.01 per host/hr for software usage
Data Expedition, Inc.
$1.50/hr or $8,760/yr for software
$0.95/hr or $4,700/yr for software
Unisys Corporation
$0.25/hr or $1,300/yr for software + Charges for EC2 with Windows
Orbitera - Oracle
Starting from $0.06/hr or from $474/yr for software
Popular Products
Starting from $0.00/hr or from $789/yr for software
Starting from $0.23/hr or from $1,813/yr for software
Zend Technologies USA,...
$0.03/hr for software
New Product Spotlight
The Globalsolutions
$0.09/hr for software + Charges for EC2 with Windows
Data Resolution
$3.31/hr or $26,005/yr for software + Charges for EC2 with Windows
Starting from $0.09/hr or from $603/yr for software + Charges for EC2 with Windows
Operating Systems