Null Stern hotel Switzerland, no roof, no walls: Pay $335 a night to stay in the world's only zero-star hotel

While other luxury hotels strive for six or seven stars, there is one that prides itself on having none.

At Swiss hotel Null Stern, meaning 'no stars', the 'only star is you'.

Here, you'll find nothing but a bed nestled into a crevice on a Swiss mountain. A bedhead throws some light onto the situation at night. The closest toilet is a 10 minute walk away at a restaurant. If you're lucky, entertainment may pass in the form of a Swiss cow.

There's no roof, or no walls. There's no television and no running water, and no other guests to worry about.

Room service comes in the form of local farmers, dressed in bow ties, white gloves and work boots, who'll deliver a breakfast consisting of local produce in the mornings.

Twin concept artists Frank and Patrik Riklin are behind the concept of Null Stern, taking great pride in annoying the luxury hotel industry.

This is not the first time the hotel concept has been put into practice - in 2010 they opened a 14-bedder hotel in an an underground nuclear fallout shelter near the Swiss town of St Gallen. Almost 3000 guests passed through its doors, who paid 25 francs ($33) a night each for a bed. Curious visitors can see the former Null Stern, which has been converted into a museum.

Surprisingly, the 'Alpine Room' room opened to guests in July and is booked out through the European summer, despite its rather expensive price tag of $335 a night.

But that doesn't mean you've missed your chance to sleep under the stars, or so to speak.

The Riklins plan to add 25 more beds across different Swiss valleys in yet-to-be disclosed locations.

You can add your name to the waiting list via Safiental Tourism,

See also: The world's most overrated hotel features

See also: The note that betrayed a hotel room's cleanliness
