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Contributor Archive: Tony Skillen

97 Reviews

by , , , , , , , , and / RP 097 (Sep/Oct 1999) / Reviews

Edmond Wright and Elizabeth Wright, eds, The Žižek Reader Ben Watson

Isaiah Berlin, The Roots of Romanticism Andrew Bowie

Michael Ignatieff, Isaiah Berlin: A Life Anthony Arblaster

Maria Pia Lara, Moral Textures: Feminist Narratives in the Public Sphere Robin May Schott

Maurice Godelier, The Enigma of the Gift Judith Still

Alessandra Tanesini, An Introduction to …

86 Reviews

by , , , , , , , and / RP 086 (Nov/Dec 1997) / Reviews

Daniel C. Dennett, Kinds of Minds Roger Harris

Donald Sassoon, One Hundred Years of Socialism: The West European Left in the Twentieth Century Simon Bromley

Martin Heidegger, Hölderlinʼs Hymn ʻThe Isterʼ Dominique Janicaud, The Shadow of That Thought: Heidegger and the Question of Politics Stuart Elden

Andrew Blake, Body Language: The Meaning of Modern Sport

Truth and Relativity: An Exchange

1. Sean Sayers' Relativism; 2. Once more on Relative Truth: A Reply to Skillen
by and / RP 064 (Summer 1993) / Article

Replies to Richard Rorty’s ‘Feminism and Pragmatism’

1. How Did the Dinosaurs Die Out? How Did the Poets Survive? 2. Richard Rorty: Knight Errant

by and / RP 062 (Autumn 1992) / Article

In ‘Feminism and Pragmatism’ (Radical Philosophy 59, pp. 3-14), Richard Rorty offers feminists an arrangement of convenience. In exchange for their support of his philosophical programme, which involves the rejection of a representationalist account of knowledge and an appearance-reality distinction, he will supply them with what he describes as ‘a few pieces of special purpose …

Compulsive Communism

A Reply to the Reply by Gregory Elliott and Peter Osborne
by / RP 059 (Autumn 1991) / Commentary

Active Citizenship as Political Obligation

+ Community as Compulsion? A Reply to Skillen on Citizenship and the State
by , and / RP 058 (Summer 1991) / Article

41 Reviews

by , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and / RP 041 (Autumn 1985) / Reviews

H. S. Harris, Hegel’s Development, Volume 11: Night Thoughts (Jena 1801-6) Robert C. Solomon, In the Spirit of Hegel M. J. Inwood, Hegel Jonathan Rée

Susan J. Hekman, Max Weber and Contemporary Social Theory Gianfranco Poggi, Calvinism and the Capitalist Spirit: Max Weber’s ‘Protestant Ethic’ Stephen P. Turner and Regis A. Factor, Max Weber and …

Politics Re-entered

The State in its Place
by / RP 041 (Autumn 1985) / Article

40 Editorial

by , and / RP 040 (Summer 1985) / Editorial

39 Editorial

by / RP 039 (Spring 1985) / Editorial

38 Reviews

by , , , , , , and / RP 038 (Summer 1984) / Reviews

Martin Hollis and Steven Lukes, eds., Rationality and Relativism Peter Dews

Gilles Deleuze, Nietzsche and Philosophy Richard Schacht, Nietzsche Keith Pearson

Roland Gibson, Logic as History of Science and Experience of Art John Fauvel

Isidor Walliman, Estrangement: Marx’s Conception of Human Nature and the Division of Labour Elliott A. Krause, Division of Labour: A political …

RP Dayschool, Scientists and Disarmament, Belgrade Maintains Intellectual Repression

by , and / RP 028 (Summer 1981) / News

20 Reviews

by , , and / RP 020 (Summer 1978) / Reviews

Wilhelm Dilthey, Dilthey: Selected Writings, ed. H. P. Rickman Joanna Hodge

Martin Howarth-Williams, R D Laing: His Work and its Relevance for Sociology Andrew Collier, R D Laing: The Philosophy and Politics of Psychotherapy Ian Craib

E. P. Thompson, William Morris: Romantic to Revolutionary Tony Skillen

Carmen Claudin-Urondo, Lenin and the Cultural Revolution Madan Sarup

Post-Marxist Modes of Production

by / RP 020 (Summer 1978) / Article

According to whoever wrote the editorial ‘notes’ for Radical Philosophy 17, ‘the present upsurge of fundamental Marxist researches may indicate an exit route from the circle of philosophy’s deaths and re births, via which the problem of the specificity of “the philosophical” might be both subverted and understood’. And according to Graham Burchell in Radical Philosophy 18, …

Supplement: Philosophy From Below

by , , , , , , , , , and / RP 015 (Autumn 1976) / Extras

Out of the Depths Glasgow, Gerard Melling Sussex, Nick Jenkin Middlesex Poly, Stu Johnson Oxford, Hugh Tomlinson

Reds in the Bed Teaching Radical Philosophy, Tony Skillen Politics of Philosophy, Anon Down Under, Janet Vaux, Ted Sadler

Into the Unknown Centres of Marxist Education, John Schwarzmantel Communist University of …

14 Reviews

by , , , , , and / RP 014 (Summer 1976) / Reviews

R A Nozick, Anarchy, State and Utopia Tony Skillen

Conference of Socialist Economists, ed., The Labour Process and Class Strategies Zerowork, 1 Tim Putnam

Ann Oakley, Housewife Ann Oakley, The Sociology of Housework Janet Vaux

Working Papers in Sex, Science & Culture, Vol 1, No 1, January 1976 Hilary Dickinson

Anton Pannekoek, Lenin as Philosopher

Marxism and Morality

by / RP 008 (Summer 1974) / Article

5 Reviews

by , and / RP 005 (Summer 1973) / Reviews

Economy and Society, Vol.I, 1972 Henry Bernstein

Jean Piaget, Structuralism S.W. Gaukroger

Stuart Hampshire, Morality and Pessimism (reprinted in New York Review of Books, January 25, 1973) Tony Skillen

Louis Althusser, Politics and History: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hegel and Marx John Jervis

Symposium: What is Radical Philosophy?

by , , , , , and / RP 003 (Winter 1972) / Article

Beginning from Commitment Peter Binns

Beginning from Where You Are Tony Skillen

Marxist Course Mary Warnock

Reply 1: Roy Edgley Reply 2: John Mepham

What Is To Be Done in Philosophy? Guido Frongia

On Alternative Philosophies Tony Beardon

A Reaction to Radical Philosophy; Response to Sanity, Madness & The Problem of Philosophy

With Reply to Hinton
by , , and / RP 002 (Summer 1972) / Extras