Featured Technology Articles
Russia's anti-monopoly body levies $6.8 million fine on Google
MOSCOW: Russia's anti-monopoly watchdog said on Thursday Google would have to pay a 438 million rouble ($6.8 million) fine for pre-installing applications on mobile devices running its Android operating system. Google’s Inbox app updated with Google Drive, Trello and...
Google Loses VC Leader; Huffington Leaves Verizon's AOL
The founder of Google Ventures -- which invested in Uber; Microsoft (MSFT)-rival Slack Technologies; and Jet.com, the e-commerce startup acquired by Wal-Mart (WMT) on Monday -- is leaving. Google-parent Alphabet (GOOGL) said Bill Maris, CEO of the venture capital arm since...
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Featured Health Articles
Amish House Dust Found To Protect Kids Against Asthma
The Amish might be better known for beards and "barn-raising" than biomedical studies, but a new study has found a fascinating link between low asthma rates in Amish children and their house’s dust. The research, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, suggests that the “Amish environment”...
There's Very Little Evidence That Flossing Actually Works
Don't lie, everybody exaggerates how often they floss when they go to the dentist. However, maybe there’s no need to feel wracked with guilt the next time you skip a flossing session – there’s surprisingly little scientific evidence that flossing is good for your dental...
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Featured Sport Articles
A-Rod cost Yankees $317 million for 1 World Series title
NEW YORK — By the time Alex Rodriguez collects his last payment as a player from the Yankees next year, he will have received $317,368,852 from New York, according to a review of his contracts by The Associated Press. Luxury tax caused by his deal totaled an additional $132 million through...
Rio Olympics: Green pool fiasco has left chiefs in deep water
The green pool story has gone stratospheric because it's funny and something we can all get a handle on, right? Green pool. Blue pool. Swamp water. That's certainly a lot easier to grasp than the finer points of triple inward pike half twist, which are only put before us once every four years. The...
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Police investigating whether female Wimbledon player was poisoned with rat urine
The Washington Post | 2016-08-11
Fabian Cancellara wins Olympic time trial gold as Chris Froome takes bronze
The Guardian | 2016-08-10
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Open Minds Worldwide
Retirement Syndrome and the National Security State
Retirement Syndrome and the National Security State
Military dissent is not an oxymoron. How, I’ve often wondered, can people who have spent their lives...
Former Trump Staffer Sues Campaign, Claims Officials Failed to Take Action After State Director Pulled ...
Former Trump Staffer Sues Campaign, Claims Officials Failed to Take Action After State Director Pulled ...
But remember, Trump in no way incited violence! A former software trainer for Donald Trump’s...
AlterNet Comics: Tom Tomorrow on the Millennials' Lament
AlterNet Comics: Tom Tomorrow on the Millennials' Lament
The joys of graduating college into a recession. Related Stories AlterNet Comics: Matt Bors on...
Give drugs companies credit when it’s due
Give drugs companies credit when it’s due
Your front page story “Asthma drug ‘gamechanger’ could revolutionise treatment” (6 August) suffers...
Muslim women at 'disadvantage' in workplace
Muslim women at 'disadvantage' in workplace
Muslim women are most likely to be at an economic disadvantage than other social groups in the UK,...
Editorial: The Clinton connections
Editorial: The Clinton connections
While we’ve all been parsing Donald Trump’s increasingly provocative statements (see...
Editorial: Donald Trump trips up — again
Editorial: Donald Trump trips up — again
Donald Trump is so utterly divorced from clarity when he speaks that it’s impossible to know...
Featured Sections
- 'Plastic, not paper': Growing demands for pricey school supplies anger parents
- Video: Here's why discussing career options with parents is no child's play
- If you study, you can become like Hillary Clinton: Jaya Bachchan explains the important of ...
- University of Louisville accepts president's resignation