Federal Politics

David Wroe

David Wroe is national security correspondent for The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald in Canberra.

The ABS announced the census was back online days after its official date.

Census cyber attacks likely from low-level hacktivists

The cyber attacks that sparked a deliberate shutdown of the Census website on Tuesday night appear to have been small-scale and likely carried out by ordinary "hacktivists" rather than sophisticated organisations or governments, experts and insiders say.

Land reclamation of Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.

China's fighter-plane hangars worry ex-Abbott adviser

Chinese fighter plane hangars revealed in disturbing new satellite images of the South China Sea would allow Beijing to rapidly shift military hardware onto artificial islands to control the key waterways, Australia's former national security adviser says.

It is feared the surge of cyber attacks may lead to sabotage, manipulation of information and even blackmail of ...

Strengthening our cyber defences

The Australian Signals Directorate, a grey and dull-looking building in the defence precinct on a hill above Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra, houses the nation's offensive cyber capability.