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  • Devonport


42 jobs available in Devonport

Devonport is located in the Australian state of Tasmania, and sits on the Mersey River. With a population of 25,657 people, it's a major regional hub. Once two settlements, Formby and Torquay, they sat on opposite sides of the Mersey. The two merged when the shipping industry grew and the Formby settlement built a railway line.

The city is also known as "Australia's Market Garden", as its fertile land produces 40% of Tasmania's vegetable crop. It is also the home of two luxury ferries (Spirit of Tasmania I and II), connecting Devonport to Melbourne via sea. Devonport is described as relaxed, yet progressive.

Technicians, Managers and Professionals make up the three largest occupations. Local attractions include the Tiagarra Aboriginal Cultural Centre, tours of northwest Tasmania (mountain hiking and horseback riding are a few of the tours available) and a visit to Devonport's many fine dining restaurants.

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