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258 jobs available in Ballarat

Ballarat, the third most populated urban area in the Australian state of Victoria, is located in the lower western plains of the Great Dividing Range. With a population of 95,007 people, it is one of the nation's most populated inland settlements, and the fifth most populated city in the in the country.

Ballarat is synonymous with Australia's Gold Rush era, changing the area from a minor sheep station to a major community. During this time (1854), the only armed rebellion in Australian history, the Eureka Rebellion, took place. This led to the introduction of full suffrage, which many historians take to believe as the origin of democracy in Australia, once a penal colony.

Of its working-age population, the top 3 occupations are made up of 20.9% professionals, 15.2% Technicians and Trades Workers and 13.4% Clerical and Administrative workers.

Three past Australian Prime Ministers were originally from Ballarat.

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