
Occupy: Democracy versus Autonomy

  • Posted on: 20 April 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

The story goes that the very first gathering of Occupy Wall Street began as an old-fashioned top-down rally with speakers droning on—until a Greek student (and perhaps—an anarchist?) interrupted it and demanded that they hold a proper horizontal assembly instead. She and some of the youngsters in attendance sat down in a circle on the other side of the plaza and began holding a meeting using consensus process. One by one, people trickled over from the audience that had been listening to speakers and joined the circle. It was August 2, 2011.

A Breif and Disorganized Rant on Security Culture for Insurrectionary Anarchists.

  • Posted on: 31 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

If you think you are an insurrectionary hard ass, please show me, don't tell me.

At least stop insisting that your rhetoric be included in totally insecure organizing conversations we're having. Save it for anonymous internet comments or other places where anonymity maybe kind of exists. Thank you.

Seriously, why can't people express their support for riots (or whatever) with their actions, instead of their statements? What do you people have against plausible deniability? Why so scared to navigate the choppy waters of liberalism?

FRR Audiobooks: "The Anti-chamber," an excerpt from the queer nihilist journal Baedan

  • Posted on: 20 January 2016
  • By: rydra wrong

listen here:

This is an excerpt from the queer nihilist journal Baedan

Join September as it attempts to cultivate a politics of poop:

The Haters v Crimson Peak

  • Posted on: 12 November 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Also available here:
or via RSS

Dear God no! Not another episode of The Haters!

This week (or whatever) we're going to talk about the dumbest eye candy movies we've seen for a long time: Crimson Peak. Venture capitalists beware, morbid incestuous twins want to sell you bloody clay and kill your babies!
