ak press

There Never Was a West

  • Posted on: 24 April 2016
  • By: thecollective

From The Anarchist Library by David Graeber

Or, Democracy Emerges From the Spaces In Between

What follows emerges largely from my own experience of the alternative globalization movement, where issues of democracy have been very much at the center of debate. Anarchists in Europe or North America and indigenous organizations in the Global South have found themselves locked in remarkably similar arguments. Is “democracy” an inherently Western concept? Does it refer a form of governance (a mode of communal self-organization), or a form of govern ment (one particular way of organizing a state apparatus) ? Does democracy necessarily imply majority rule? Is representative democracy really democracy at all? Is the word permanently tainted by its origins in Athens, a militaristic, slave-owning society founded on the systematic repression of women? Or does what we now call “democracy” have any real historical connection to Athenian democracy in the first place? Is it possible for those trying to develop decentralized forms of consensus-based direct democracy to reclaim the word? If so, how will we ever convince the majority of people in the world that “democracy” has nothing to do with electing representatives? If not, if we instead accept the standard definition and start calling direct democracy something else, how can we say we’re against democracy—a word with such universally positive associations?

ZACF Reply to the Misrepresentation of the ZACF by American Journalists and on the Schmidt Affair

  • Posted on: 19 February 2016
  • By: rocinante

From Anarkismo

The following is the official statement of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (ZACF) of South Africa on the controversy that erupted around Michael Schmidt, a South African activist, several months ago. It follows a careful collective discussion process and research and comes several weeks after the last installment in a series of articles claiming to be an expose of Schmidt. As we are also committed to a number of ongoing workshops, activities and publications, our time was limited. It has two main aims: to outline our position on the claims made for, and against, Schmidt, and to respond to a number of false statements that have been made about the ZACF in the course of the developing Schmidt affair.

Comment on the Accusations against Michael Schmidt

  • Posted on: 30 December 2015
  • By: rocinante

From Anarkismo by Wayne Price

Response to Charges that He is a Fascist as Well as an Anarchist

For months there has been a heated discussion over charges that Michael Schmidt, author of well-known books about anarchism, is actually a fascist and "white nationalist." Now that the main statements are out on both sides, I have been waiting for an evaluation by some panel of reputable anarchist activists and theorists. As this has not happened, I am publishing my own conclusions.

Malcolm Harris on Unruly Equality : U.S. Anarchism in the Twentieth Century

  • Posted on: 20 December 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From LA Review of Books

Left Behind: Why Marxists Need Anarchists, and Vice Versa

IN AN 1875 letter to German socialist politician August Bebel, Friedrich Engels complained — on behalf of himself and Karl Marx — about being teased by anarchists. Bebel’s Social Democratic Workers’ Party was merging with the General German Workers’ Association, the latter of which advocated a parliamentary road to socialism rather than a revolutionary one.

Anarchist takeover

  • Posted on: 27 November 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From News Review

AK Press set to relocate its Oakland warehouse to the Chico airport

Book worms and anarchists were all atwitter this past week when news broke that AK Press, an institution in Oakland, was moving its warehouse to Chico. The independent book publisher, with its roots in Scotland but its main market in the United States, is giving up Bay Area living for a quieter, more affordable base of operations.

Michael Schmidt: An African Anarchist Biography

  • Posted on: 26 November 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Michael Schmidt: An African Anarchist Biography
From: Drinking with Ghosts

Michael Schmidt (born in Johannesburg, South Africa, 1966) is an anarchist journalist, grassroots organiser, ideologue, historian, media trainer, researcher, consultant, and international free press and human rights activist. He was raised by a middle-class family of working class origin that was classified “white” – and as a result was uplifted by apartheid to the middle class.

Anarchist History: Confessions of an Awkward Pupil

  • Posted on: 30 October 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From AK Press - by Barry Pateman

When the KSL issued our first publication, George Cores’ “Personal Recollections of the Anarchist Past” in 1992 there really was a shortage of good, accurate and informative books, articles or pamphlets about the history of anarchism. The works of Paul Avrich were the gold standard – exhaustively researched and reliable – and other occasional gems shone out of the pile. Some of the available material, though, was disturbingly erroneous and we have to put that down partly to a lack of primary material that led authors to make strange assumptions about people and their ideas.

Statement from Anarkismo on the AK Press Accusations Against Michael Schmidt

  • Posted on: 29 September 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Anarkismo

The international Anarkismo Network, which brings together class struggle anarchist organisations from more than a dozen countries in both the global South and North, and has relations with far more from across the globe, has noted with great surprise and concern the recent accusations by AK Press that Michael Schmidt is a fascist working undercover to infiltrate the anarchist movement.
