
Informants, Green Scare Snitches, and Surveillance: Interview with Lauren Regan, CLDC

  • Posted on: 4 August 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Earth First! Journal (Black and Green Review #3 originally)

As an attorney and long-term activist Lauren Regan has a vantage on state and corporate surveillance that few other activists are exposed to. Regan is the founder and Executive Director of the Civil Liberties Defense Center based in Eugene, OR. She has an extensive history of defending activists after inevitable run ins with the law. She represented a number of Green Scare defendants and has arguably spent more time sorting through Green Scare, AETA, and other similar cases to know about the extent of government and corporate surveillance, disruption, provocation, and how failures of Security Culture opened the door for them.

Topic of the Week: Leaving the Milieu

  • Posted on: 1 August 2016
  • By: thecollective

Have you ever felt the need to leave the anarchist milieu behind (or have you more or less already done so?) What makes people (or you) leave or separate themselves from the anarchist milieu? Have you ever taken breaks--and what made you get back into the mix? How did leaving (temporarily or permanently) affect you or the people you know? Is there anything you regret about leaving (e.g. severing ties with friends you wish you hadn't, leaving behind projects that you had invested a lot of time in, moving away from places you liked, etc.)?

Ben Morea: Behind Black Mask

  • Posted on: 27 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

The chances are that you have never heard of Ben Morea. There’s a good reason for that. He didn’t want you to. I first discovered Morea and Black Mask (later Up Against the Wall Motherfucker) by chance while studying for my dissertation. The subject of my work was how the language of the 60s counterculture (be it spoken, visual, musical or poetic) contrasted with and directly opposed that of the dominant technocratic culture.

The deadliest terror attack in SF history happened 100 years ago today

  • Posted on: 22 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From SF Gate - By Katie Dowd

The bombing of Market Street is almost unknown today but led to one of America's darkest miscarriages of justice.

July 22, 1916 was hot.

As members of the Grand Army of the Republic assembled at the Ferry Building, awaiting the start of San Francisco's lavish Preparedness Day parade, one elderly veteran fainted. Just as an ambulance reached the fallen man, a explosion shook Market Street.

Which Side Podcast – Alice Carnes & John Zerzan

  • Posted on: 19 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Which Side PodcastEpisode 193: We talk with Alice Carnes & John Zerzan; Anarchists, primitivist philosophers and authors. We discuss Anti-Civilization, Activism, Green Anarchism, Primitivism, Nihilism, Post-Modernism and Much More. #fsd

Listen here: whichsidepodcast.com/john-zerzan-alice-carnes

Topic of the Week: Friends

  • Posted on: 18 July 2016
  • By: thecollective

Anarchists and their friends often use the words community, solidarity, and affinity to express their relationships with one another. Our personal relationships with each other among anarchists and friends is one area of our lives where we have a great ability to create and share the most beautiful ideas together.

Anarchy and Art: Exploring the Art and Political Views of Camille Pissarro

  • Posted on: 12 July 2016
  • By: thecollective

Camille Pissarro’s artwork is best known for the influence it had on Impressionism. He is lesser known for his anarchist beliefs, which permeated his artwork. Nevertheless, Pissarro’s artwork did not overtly call for a violent revolution as one might expect. His paintings featured bright colors, detailed figures, and pleasant settings. Without understanding Pissarro’s background and belief system, it is likely that one will not understand what he hoped to convey through his pieces.

Live in the moment: the Situationists & Pokemon Go

  • Posted on: 12 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Overland - by Jeff Sparrow

Over the last few days, the streets have filled with Situationists, as Pokemon Go sends its legions of players out on prolonged dérives.
OK, the comparison’s slightly ridiculous. Yet consider Situationist pioneer Guy Debord’s description of the dérive, the psychogeographic technique his coterie was trialling in Paris in the fifties:

Topic of the Week: Attacks and Organization

  • Posted on: 11 July 2016
  • By: thecollective

The past few weeks have had a few more headliners than usual when it comes to death by bullet. While police and soldiers are killing people consistently throughout the year, the other recent attacks happen less often. What is consistent for these other shootings is that despite differences in personal motivation, there really haven't been any organizations to claim them. They have been so-called lone wolves, taking action towards whatever targets they decide.

