Federal Politics

Census back online nearly 48 hours after outage

Millions of Australians can now complete their census after the Australian Bureau of Statistics finally brought the survey back online on Thursday, nearly 48 hours after the survey went offline on Tuesday night.

Chief statistician David Kalisch and Census 2016 boss Duncan Young fronted a media conference in Canberra on Thursday evening, saying the online census had been reopened after written assurances of safety from intelligence agency Australian Signals Directorate. 

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A third of Australians have now completed the census and ABS call centres were working at capacity.

Incomplete census forms can be resumed.

Mr Kalisch said no personal information had been lost, accessed inappropriately or mishandled but the ABS would cooperate fully with the government's investigation into the failure and work with the Australian Privacy Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim on his review.

He called on all Australians to complete the census fully, coming as some social media users reported they were still unable to access the website and complete their census for 2016. 


"The integrity of census data and the protection of Australians' privacy and their data is of paramount importance to the ABS. 

"Your census data is safe and secure," Mr Kalisch said.

The ABS announced the census was back online days after its official date.
The ABS announced the census was back online days after its official date.  

The political fallout from the debacle deepened on Thursday, with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his senior ministers harshly criticising the ABS' handling of the survey.

And in a statement that will reassure Australians concerned their personal information may have been accessed as a result of the denial of service attack on the census website, Mr Pilgrim said he was satisfied no personal information had been compromised.

I am angry: Turnbull

Potential attacks on the ABS site should have been better prepared for according to the PM as the Government readies for more attacks when the census is back online. Courtesy ABC News 24.

Mr Turnbull said he was "angry" and "bitterly disappointed" and lashed the ABS for census failures he said should have been prevented and predicted "very serious consequences" when the matter was investigated.

"I, too, am very angry about this, I am bitterly disappointed about this," Mr Turnbull said.

"This has been a failure of the ABS . . . the ABS has inconvenienced millions of Australians. It shouldn't have happened." 

Mr Turnbull said that tech giant IBM, which won a $10 million contract to host and manage the website, was experienced in handling such matters and should have prepared better for "entirely predictable" cyber interference.

"The denial of service attacks were completely predictable [and] should have been repelled readily. They weren't because of failures in the system that had been put in place for ABS by IBM," Mr Turnbull said.

"There is no doubt there were failures in the system's preparation for an entirely predictable denial of service attack. Measures that ought to have been in place to prevent these denial of service attacks were not put in place."

In response, an IBM spokeswoman said on Thursday evening that the company felt "genuine regret" over the situation and thanked the ABS and the Australian Signals Directorate

"We genuinely regret the inconvenience that has occurred," the spokeswoman said in a statement, the first by IBM since the census website was taken down.

"IBM's priority over the last two days was to work with the ABS to restore the census site. We are committed to our role in the delivery of this project. Continuing to maintain the privacy and security of personal information is paramount.

"The Australian Signals Directorate has confirmed no data was compromised. Our cyber-security experts are partnering with national intelligence agencies to ensure the ongoing integrity of the site."

An estimated 2.3 million census forms had been completed online before the website had been taken offline and about 3.7 million forms had been sent to households.

About 10 million households would need to be completed for the census data to be significant and valuable, Mr Turnbull said, reiterating his view that the ABS decided to shut down the census website on Tuesday night "out of an abundance of caution".

Treasurer Scott Morrison said the government was "extremely disappointed" with the ABS' handling of the census but said there was no prospect of the 2016 census being abandoned because of potential low completion rates.

The Prime Minister again promised a review, to be conducted by his cyber security adviser Alastair MacGibbon with the assistance of the Australian Signals Directorate.

"The review and which heads will roll where and when, will follow," he told. "My prediction is that there will be some very serious consequences for this."

Mr Pilgrim said the ASD had advised him that "the incident was a denial of service (DoS) attack and did not result in any unauthorised access to, or extraction of, any personal information and, on the information provided to me by ASD, I am satisfied that personal information was not inappropriately accessed, lost or mishandled.  

"The ABS's decision to shut down the website — to avoid any prospect that the DoS attack could include or otherwise facilitate a data breach — was, in the circumstances, a pro-privacy precaution."

One person with questions to answer will be Mr Kalisch, who receives a taxpayer-funded salary of more than $700,000.

Separately, newly powerful Senator Nick Xenophon called for a Senate inquiry into the fiasco. He has discussed the matter with Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and will now work on the terms of reference.

Mr Shorten said the government's handling of the census was "one of the biggest shambles in government we've ever seen".

With Tom McIlroy, Georgina Mitchell

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