
Body of Fisheries boss found during Moreton Island diver search

The experienced diver whose body was found after a mammoth air and sea search lasting almost a day has been identified as Fisheries Queensland director Andrew Thwaites.

The 44-year-old, who had recently completed his 300th dive, failed to surface from a group charter dive off Moreton Island on Wednesday afternoon.

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Diver missing off Moreton Island

Police hold "grave concern" for a 44-year-old man who failed to resurface from a chartered dive experience off Moreton Island on Wednesday afternoon. Nine News

The search included more 16 vessels, seven helicopters and a plane and was called off when the body was found about 10.30am on Thursday.

One prominent dive industry member, who didn't want to be named, said Mr Thwaites was a very experienced diver. The industry insider was surprised to see something go wrong on one of Mr Thwaites' dives.

A flotilla of boats searches the waters off Moreton Island for a diver missing from Henderson Rock.
A flotilla of boats searches the waters off Moreton Island for a diver missing from Henderson Rock. Photo: Nine News Brisbane

He said there were a number of experienced divers on the trip.

A spokesman for dive company Absolute Scuba, which ran the expedition, refused to answer questions about the dive except to say he was still investigating and "going through the paperwork".


When asked if everything was done properly, he replied: "yes, absolutely".

Police were preparing a report for the coroner.


There are grave fears for a diver missing off Moreton Island for more than 17 hours as boats, helicopters and a plane search the area.

The massive search and rescue operation ramped up at first light in an attempt to find the 44-year-old.

He failed to surface on a charter dive near Henderson Rock on Wednesday afternoon, with emergency services called in about 2.20pm.

A police spokesman said seven helicopters, a plane and 16 water vessels - including police and volunteer marine rescue - were combing the waters.

"Clearly, we have grave concern for this man's safety," water police Inspector Daniel Bragg told The Today Show.

"Every other member of the dive crew managed to make it back to the boat safely.

"And it's now been a number of hours since the man was reported missing.

"And obviously by the hour, we become increasingly concerned."

Henderson Rock sits east of Moreton Island, toward the northern end.

The city's tourism website describes it as one of the regions better but less popular sites, with deep ledges, overhangs and caves populated by crayfish, grey nurse sharks and several other sharks.

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