Molly Scott Cato MEP认证账号


Green MEP for the South West of England and Gibraltar; Green Party speaker on Brexit and on Finance

South West

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  1. 置顶推文

    I was worried was side stepping democracy. decision shows she is running straight over it.

  2. Post- Facebook sensation Prof Michael Dougan to give £1,000 crowdfunded talk in Bath

  3. Able lend us a hand? We've got an enormous pile of donations to sort for . Wednesdays 10am-1pm

  4. Brilliant from '£375 bill for QE - enough for an energy transition. And M Droghi at EU bank admits to her ECB QE cd be used 4 this

  5. Well said Neal. At 52 my only vote that EVER counted was for

  6. We're gonna save your asses, guys, but it's cool. No flowers, please. (But Super Bowl tickets would be cool.)

  7. Give Brits voluntary dual EU citizenship after argues Joe Williams from

  8. The Govt should impose far reaching sanctions on any countries found to be involved in war crimes in :

  9. This is talking at protest against between public/private sectors outside EU via

  10. As says, it's British government decisions that have handed much of our catch to big foreign vessels

  11. All countries CAN be insular. Some in excel at this. Lessons please from

  12. Great mini essay from on how our reputation in Europe is going down the pan as Tories put on Ukip's clothing

  13. Good sense from nailing Brexiteers delusion that German business will be forced to accept our terms

  14. 另外4人
  15. Most of the discussion about Brexit negotiations in the UK is focused on trade deals. I have been amazed by the...

  16. TTIP zombie 'defeated'.Next monster coming over the hill folks.

  17. Please share my article about Misogyny as a hate crime.We must do more for women and girls.

  18. Victory! European Green MP José Bové is allowed to stay in Canada. He's speaking against . We stand with him.


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