Molly Scott Cato MEPOvěřený účet


Green MEP for the South West of England and Gibraltar; Green Party speaker on Brexit and on Finance

South West
Připojil se červenec 2012

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  1. Připnutý tweet

    Absurdity of hard : Govt to pay corporations to keep jobs they maintain for free if we are in single market

  2. WATCH: Why could lose EU funding BEFORE Brexit? explains in just 60 seconds. With and

  3. "If we're going to claim to speak for people it should be normal that we secure a majority of those voting" -

  4. debate..."would give game away". Perhaps, but that is how public accountability and democracy works

  5. Except it is not a game of poker. It's a debate over future shape of our nation, which is why there are differences of opinion on all sides

  6. Tickets to hear Michael Dougan speak in Bath selling like hot cakes: don't miss out!

  7. Shocked and saddened to see this in the city where I grew up. Are we only to have local music played by local people in ?

  8. Arron Banks was previously a Conservative Party donor. Those with money are the global elite. Buying influence through donations.

  9. In future, support to farmers should be based on organic farming for carbon capture and biodiversity

  10. World Energy Council: beware stranded assets. Industry: we need more oil & gas. Must-read update:

  11. Lawson then goes on to argue that what's good for Aurum Holdings is good for us all because of increased corporation tax receipts. Ummm...

  12. No wonder he hates the EU & its work to close tax havens & loopholes: Banks exposed in Panama Papers https://www.the

  13. Cornwall being denied £400m of EU funds by Government, warns MEP Molly Scott Cato | West Briton

  14. As someone who runs a small cross-channel business that won’t get sweetheart deals and subsidies, this annoys me.

  15. A gloomy account, but from the jaws of ongoing constitutional crisis we could snatch the victory of becoming a modern, European democracy

  16. All talk on radio 4 about Heathrow as opposed to other locations. Why won't the BBC cover the no expansion option? Because climate change.

  17. All other car manufacturers will be lining up right behind Nissan for compensation. Nuts. And then there are tech industries...

  18. Another complicated soft-shoe shuffle to compensate for the gold-plated deal we're about to throw away.

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