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Greece: Captive comrades Marios Seisidis and Kostas Sakkas to stand trial on August 17th

Banner in the Athens district of Zografou which reads: “Fire to the prison cells! Strength to Sakkas and Seisidis!” (Anarchists expropriated material from the Zografou municipality for the purposes of this banner.)

On August 5th 2016, Kostas Sakkas and Marios Seisidis were brought to the Athens police headquarters and subsequently to the court, where their hearing was postponed. The two comrades have now reportedly been transferred to separate prisons far away from Athens; Marios Seisidis to Malandrino prison, and Kostas Sakkas to Domokos prison. Both will stand trial in Athens on Wednesday August 17th concerning the circumstances of their arrest in Sparta.

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