Islam & Anarchism

Yeah yeah Hakim Bey.

But also Alpine Anarchist:

“News (Mar 2014): We are proud to offer yet another updated edition of the popular “Varieties of Islamic Anarchism: A Brief Introduction” pamphlet, put together by our dear friend Anthony T. Fiscella. There is a PDF available for online reading as well as a ready-to-print version in order to make your own zine.”

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the Muslim Anarchist Charter

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Anarca Islam(s): War of Dreams: Becoming(s) of a Redeemed Circle A with an Eye and a Redeemed Eye with a Circle A by Mohamed Jean Veneuse

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Anarchist Muslims in the Early Muslim Period?, Ballandalus, January 13, 2014

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  1. Hi Tristan,

    I included a link to Venuese’s thesis in the post — I didn’t include a link to his book as it’s still many months from being published.

  2. Hi …
    the thesis you posted is very old …his MA thesis is the one i attached the link to, and very different from the ‘War of Dreams’ which is close to 10 yrs old…
    His MA is far more accessible and very different in terms of organization/ideas…