Wednesday, August 03, 2016

equal protection clause: a clarification

What I should have explained yesterday about Mr. Khan and the equality provision in the constitution which he mentioned is this. I should have been clearer. The Equal Protection clause was based on this phrase in the constitution: "States must treat the citizens of other states equally, without discrimination." Which was not about equality of citizens but about states respecting other states's laws.

The cult of "An-Nimr" in Syria

There is a huge cult around the Syrian regime officer, "An-Nimr" (Tiger) among supporters of Syrian regime.  I asked people who know about military matters in Syria and I am told that this reputation is entirely undeserved and that it is contrived for morale purposes.  No real military achievements, from what I was told.

There is no more enthusiastic advocate of the Jihadi groups active in Syria than this "expert"

Watch here.  

Iran and its executions

So the Iranian regime competes with the Saudi regime in executions.  Hundreds are executed in Iran (although human rights organizations inflate Iran's number because they add to the official numbers--something they never do for Saudi regime).  So Saudi media have been doing this: they basically wait to see who among those executed are Sunnis and they single them out and make it as if they were executed because they were Sunnis (even if they were among alleged--I say alleged because I don't trust the Iranian regime and its courts--drug traffickers).  But it surprised me that Sarah Leah Whitson of Human Rights Watch was retweeting one of those stories about executions of Sunnis, without providing evidence whatsoever that their Sunni faith had anything to do with their execution when most those who are executed are Shi`ites.   But then again: have we not noticed the extent to which Western media and Western human rights organizations have been mirroring the themes and terms of references of Gulf regimes in recent years?

Have you ever noticed? About Syrian rebels and chemical weapons

Whenever Syrian rebels are about to lose territory they suddenly find evidence of chemical attacks by the regime.  Has anyone else noticed this?

A grotesque campaign against Armenians--all Armenians--by many supporters of the Syrian "revolution"

Of course, don't expect to read anything about that in the Western press. Even this Qatari regime mouthpiece, Al-Quds Al-`Arabi, is admitting the campaign and justifying it.  There has been a most bigoted and racist campaign against the Armenians--all Armenians--by many supporters of the Syrian revolution accusing them of siding with the Syrian regime.  Now it is true that many Christians in Syria are quite opposed to the Syrian rebels perhaps because they did not buy the dispatches by the likes of Liz Sly of the Washington Post and Anne Barnard of the New York Times who have been insisting since 2011 that the Syrian rebels are moderate and secular and feminist and democratic.  But regardless of one's opinion of those Syrians who support the regime (or who support the rebels for that matter), the campaign against a whole ethnic group should be condemned.

PS Typical in any sectarian and ethnic campaign of bigotry, there is an Aljazeera correspondent who is leading the charge.  

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Gulf personalities against normalization with Israel

This is a petition by Gulf personalities against normalization with the occupation state of Israel.

Khizr Khan and the US Constitution

My Khizr Khan referred to this phrase in the US Constitution when addressing Trump: ""the equal protection of the laws."  While the word "equality" does not appear in the Constitution, this phrase cited did appear but only in references to equality between states.  It was not in the context of equality of citizens.  

narratives of the Syrian war in Western media

One of the most vile narratives of the Syrian war in Western (and its sister Gulf regime) media is the notion that everyone who resides in areas under Syrian regime control is an armed thug (shabbih) and that everyone who lives in areas under Syrian rebel control is a child.  And they insist on this narrative, which serves to justify war crimes against civilians.

Monday, August 01, 2016

The US constitution

It is not commonly known among Americans that the word "equality" appears not once in the US constitution. 

U.S. is directly responsible for Israeli war crimes

"The U.S. already transfers $3.1 billion in taxpayer money every year to Israel – more than any other country by far – but the new agreement Obama is set to sign “significantly raises” that amount, and guarantees it for 10 years." "All of this means that the U.S. generally, and Democrats specifically, bear direct responsibility for the hideous brutality and oppression imposed by Israel on Palestinians through decades of occupation."

U.S. aid & abet Israeli war crimes

"Israeli occupation forces used a Caterpillar excavator in the apparent extrajudicial execution of a Palestinian man, using the so-called pressure cooker procedure in which construction equipment is employed as a weapon, analysis by The Electronic Intifada shows." "In August 2014, Israeli forces used a militarized Caterpillar D9 bulldozer in a similar assault on a building in the village of Qabalan near the West Bank city of Nablus. Zakaria al-Aqra, the 24-year-old target of the attack, was killed, six of his relatives were wounded and the house was badly damaged during the eight-hour operation." "The D9 is the type of machine that an Israeli soldier used to kill American activist Rachel Corrie in Gaza in 2003."

Hillary and the creation of ISIS

"So, those Hillary Clinton emails, they connect together with the cables that we have published of Hillary Clinton, creating a rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates. So, for example, the disastrous, absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya, the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of that country, weapons flows going over to Syria, being pushed by Hillary Clinton, into jihadists within Syria, including ISIS, that’s there in those emails." (thanks Amir)

The governor of Tokyo is an Arabist

"As a young woman in the 1970s, Ms. Koike left a university in Japan to study in Egypt, first learning Arabic at the American University in Cairo, then earning a degree in sociology from Cairo University. She married a fellow Japanese student whom she had met in Egypt, but they divorced soon after."

NOT IN THE US MEDIA: How Al-Qa`idah has been relocating to Syria

Even Al-Qa`idah's sinister "minister of defense", Sayf Al-`Adl, has moved to Syria.  This article should be translated.  Its author, `Abdullah Sulayman `Ali (while not a critic of the Syrian regime) has intimate knowledge of the Syrian deal. He maintains that the declaration of Nusrah was in fact intended by Al-Qa`idah leadership to camouflage their relocation setup.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

US media in numbers

(From Roman Kerch, and James Monroe, By the People, Oxford University Press).

Serving a snack on Scandinavian airlines in 1969

(thanks Amer)

Entrapment in terrorism cases is legal in the US

But not in Canada

The progressive agenda of Bernie Sanders

"In Philadelphia, donors were handed preferred suites at the Ritz-Carlton and “Friends and Family” packages created for longtime Clinton hands — some of them also longtime benefactors. Some were granted time backstage or in the Clinton family box with former President Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton. Blackstone, the private equity giant, scheduled a reception at the Barnes Foundation on Thursday with its president, Hamilton E. James, one of the leading Wall Street contenders for an economic policy post in a future Clinton administration."

The Obama Doctrine for the next 10 years: Arms to Saudi regime worth $60 billion and more than $37 billion of money to Israel

"The Obama administration plans to include attack helicopters in an expanded arms package for Saudi Arabia, swelling the size of the proposed deal to as much as $60 billion over 10 years, according to officials familiar with the matter."

Afghan fighters in Syria

"Others were coerced or duped into fighting, say human rights groups."  How are they duped? And who are those human rights organizations?  Are they told you are going to Switzerland and then they find themselves in Syria? Please explain.

Did you notice that the knife attack in Japan did not get much attention in the Western media

This man wanted to get rid of disabled people and the story was never big here.

Paper or Plastic? Pepsi or Coke? The mind of Thomas Friedman

This man has the most simplistic mind I have ever seen.  He can only think in terms of a binary view. Either this or that.  Complex ideas confuse him a great deal.  Notice that the wall Trump bother people in the US but not the wall in Israel.

Liz Sly is furious that Western governments are not accepting the Bin Laden followers as moderate rebels

"Whether the new name will work to persuade moderate rebels — and, more importantly, their Western backers — that the group should no longer be considered a terrorist organization is in doubt. It is also highly unlikely to convince Russia, which has consistently referred to all rebels as “terrorists” and has been escalating its bombardments of rebel positions in recent weeks, notably around the besieged northern city of Aleppo."

Nabil Hilali

The late Egyptian communist, Nabil Hilali, is one of the most wonderful human beings I have ever met.  

Isn't this terminology derived from racist times?

Who is the war candidate?

There is no question that Hillary is the war candidate.  She has the record to prove it.  In every conflict in the world, she stood (as a senator or as a Secretary of State) for more war and more bombs. You name it.

When I studied Soviet Studies, Stephen F Cohen was one of my favorite American experts

"Stephen F. Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian studies at NYU and Princeton, spoke with CNN's 'Smerconish' Saturday morning about Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and the 'New Cold War.'  Cohen says the media at large is doing a huge disservice to the American people by ignoring the substance of Trump's arguments about NATO and Russia, and buying the Clinton campaign's simplistic smear that Trump is a Russian "Manchurian candidate."  "That reckless branding of Trump as a Russian agent, most of it is coming from the Clinton campaign," Cohen said. "And they really need to stop."  "We're approaching a Cuban Missile Crisis level nuclear confrontation with Russia," he explained. "And there is absolutely no discussion, no debate, about this in the American media."  "Then along comes, unexpectedly, Donald Trump," he continued, "Who says he wants to end the New Cold War, and cooperate with Russia in various places... and --astonishingly-- the media is full of what only can be called neo-McCarthyite charges that he is a Russian agent, that he is a Manchurian candidate, and that he is Putin's client."  "This is a moment when there should be, in a presidential year, a debate," he said. "And that is not what we are given in the media today." "Let's go back to what you said Trump said about NATO," Cohen also said. "Trump said early on, he wanted to know, 60 years after its foundation, what was NATO's mission today. 100 policy wonks in Washington since the end of the Soviet Union, 25 years ago, have asked the same question. Is NATO an organization in search of a mission?"  "That's a legitimate question --but we don't debate it. We don't ask it. We just say, oh, Trump wants to abandon NATO.""

Remember this name: Khalid Al-`Umayr

He is imprisoned in Saudi Arabia because he tried to organize a demonstration in support of Palestinians in Gaza.  Western human rights organizations don't care about his plight: imagine if he was trying to organize a demonstration in support of gay rights, for example. He would have been made famous worldwide.  Freedom of speech is only partially important for Western human rights organization.  

Class analysis of Trump's support

"Many behavioral psychology studies have shown that even when your life is improving in absolute terms, you see very little psychological benefit when your life isn’t improving as quickly as your neighbor. Your absolute size of the pie is less important than your relative slice of the pie (Christian Elger and Armin Falk — University of Bonn). This is why inequality is so damaging to the national psyche. The video below shows one monkey becoming irate as his neighbor receives more for the same work. Humans are not monkeys, but we share similar psychological patterns."

The Moroccan clown in the 21st century: if he was not a Western puppet (and a secret ally of Israel), he would be internationally mocked

Indian workers starving in Saudi Arabia

"More than 10,000 Indian nationals laid off in Saudi Arabia are facing a "food crisis", India's foreign minister says, as an airlift is prepared." (thanks Suheil)

Zionist crimes against Jewish immigrants from Yemen

"Time for Israel to Admit: The Yemenite Children Were Systematically Kidnapped". Time for Israel? It is never time for Israel to admit any of its crimes.  This occupation state must be dismantled before we can speak about addressing the grievances of the victims. 

Hamas launches propaganda against atheists in preparation for the municipal election

It seems that the priority of Hamas these days is fighting atheists and not Zionist occupiers. This is the official cartoonist of Hamas. It says:  (on top) "The Palestinian Muslims does not vote for atheist secularists".  And below in read it says: "The Palestinian people is innocent of those who curse God and religion".  

Obama's anti-communism

Did you notice that Obama decided to take a swipe against communism in his speech. Anti-communism is a disease in this country.  

Anti-Communist propaganda

This poster is from the Omani regime and its British colonialist sponsor during the Dhofar revolt.  It says: "the Hand of God destroys communism".

How Saudis expressed outrage yesterday on social media

Yesterday, Saudi people organized a massive campaign against any normalization with Israel on social media under the hashtag #سعوديون_ضد_التطبيع
(Saudis against normalization)
The regime had no idea at the anger to their rapprochement with Israel.

Julani and the man to his right in the picture

None of the Western media noted that the man sitting to the right of Julani was none other than Abu Al-Faraj Al-Masri, one of the key and early Al-Qa`idah functionaries and a comrade of Bin Laden and Zawahiri.  Liz Sly of the Washington Post will declare him a feminist secularist any minute now.  

This election and media's endorsement of Hillary

Of course, I oppose both Hillary and Trump and won't vote because I never voted in my life but this has to be said: I have lived in the US since 1983, and I have never seen more media bias in favor of a candidate (and against another candidate) as I see now in the media's endorsement of Hillary. There is something called establishment in the US and they all are going for Hillary. None even admitted that she gave one of the lousiest speeches in memory at the convention.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hafiz Al-Asad from December 1970, shortly after his coup: "No Kidnappings and no interferences in the affairs of Lebanon". Kid you not.

Saudi people are posting against any normalization with the occupation state of Israel

An article against anti-Semitism in a Saudi regime newspaper? No way.

So this is the second article I see against anti-Semitism in a Saudi regime newspaper this week.  Of course, I welcome the appearance FINALLY of an article against anti-Semitism in a media which has specialized in decades in vomiting the most vile anti-Semitism.  It is high time that the regime media end this practice. However, like everything else coming out of Saudi regime: there are reasons for this.  These media still vomit out the most vile anti-Shi`ism and anti-Alawitism.  So basically: the media follower the orders of the regime to vomit whatever bigotry and hatred ordered by the regime.  The timing of this is interesting: I think that the regime was taken aback with the strong reaction of Saudis on social media against the visit by a Saudi delegation to Israel, and some--but not all--of the expressions of disapproval of this visit came from Islamists who expressed their disapproval anti-semitically.  And as the regime prepares to come out in the open about its alliance with the Israeli occupation state, it wants to downplay the anti-Semitic element of its doctrine (and anti-Semitism is an integral part of the Wahhabi ideology).  Finally, many Saudis respond to the Saudi visit to the occupation state of Israel by posting videos and speeches of King Faisal (who was one of the most notorious anti-Semites of the 20th century despite his secret alliance with Israel against Nasser).

AUB and soft power

The representative of AUB in Washington, DC considers AUB as part of US "soft power." Kid you not.

Saudis in Yemen

""One Western diplomat recalled how expertly the U.S. and Israel were able to pressure Ban into removing Israel from the same Children and Armed Conflict annex—a development that angered many, but garnered far less attention. Not so for the Saudis. “It’s the difference between how big corporations handle things and how the Corleones handle things,” said the diplomat."" (thanks Joe)

Zionist Lovers of the Syrian people in the US

By the way, do you notice that neither the sudden Zionist lovers of the Syrian people and the Western correspondents in Beirut (who write on Syria) uttered a word about what even the pro-Syrian "revolution" Gulf media has admitted: that Syrian rebels in Aleppo have forcibly and violently prevented the civilians from leaving the city.  None of those people, nor the Western human rights organization, dare talk about how rebels hold Syrian civilians hostages.