South and Central America

A week before Rio games, protesters extinguish Olympic flame

By Bill Van Auken, 30 July 2016

The Olympics are being held in a Brazil wracked by political and economic crisis as well as mounting social unrest.

Cuba shuffles heads of ministries in response to economic slowdown

By Alexander Fangmann, 19 July 2016

Just days after outlining austerity measures, including reductions in energy consumption and imports, the Council of State announced that several ministers would be replaced.

Report exposes deaths in US immigrant detention centers

By Khara Sikhan, 15 July 2016

Immigrant detainees in the US face substandard medical and mental health treatment with fatal consequences.

Brazil’s interim president vows to carry through “unpopular” austerity measures

By Bill Van Auken, 7 July 2016

The agenda of the interim government is to place the full weight of the country’s economic crisis onto the backs of the working class and poor.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

5 July 2016

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Government’s “plan for safe El Salvador” fuels death squads

By Andrea Lobo, 28 June 2016

El Salvador's state and gang violence and its strong relation with stagnant poverty, have led one-fifth of Salvadorans to emigrate.

The Oaxaca massacre and the eruption of class struggle in Mexico

By Neil Hardt, 25 June 2016

The resurgence of class struggle expressed in the protests of Mexican teachers is part of a growing radicalization of workers internationally.

The Venezuelan working class at a crossroads

By Neil Hardt, 16 June 2016

The pro-capitalist, bourgeois nationalist policies of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela have produced a social catastrophe for Venezuelan workers.

Wall Street’s candidate wins elections in Peru with support from pseudo-left

By Armando Cruz, 16 June 2016

Decisive in the narrow victory of the former IMF official was the unconditional support granted by the Broad Front of the Left (Frente Amplio).

Mexico’s national teachers strike enters second month

By Don Knowland, 16 June 2016

Efforts by teachers to roll back the regressive federal education reform face increasing government repression.

Strikes and demonstrations spread in Venezuela amid deepening food crisis

By Neil Hardt, 14 June 2016

There is fear of social revolution in both the pro-Maduro “Chavista” faction of the ruling class and the opposition, led by the Democratic Unity Roundtable.

Wave of budget cuts throughout Latin America

By Neil Hardt, 27 May 2016

The cuts are an intensification of anti-working class policies already implemented by the so-called “pink tide” governments.

Teachers in widespread walkouts in Mexico

By Don Knowland, 19 May 2016

The strike is in opposition to a 2013 law that gave new powers to the government to monitor, test and fire teachers en masse.

Maduro government imposes state of emergency in Venezuela

By Bill Van Auken, 17 May 2016

While the Venezuelan president said that the decree was aimed at “international and national threats,” the most pressing challenge to his government comes from the working class.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

17 May 2016

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Brazil’s impeachment and the fall of the Workers Party

By Bill Van Auken, 14 May 2016

The sharp turn to the right in Brazil and the immense dangers confronting the working class were prepared for over a decade by the politics of the Workers Party.

Brazil Senate vote ousts Workers Party President Dilma Rousseff

By Bill Van Auken, 12 May 2016

The government being formed by Michel Temer has been brought to power to carry out a frontal assault on the Brazilian working class.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

10 May 2016

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Leader of Brazil impeachment drive sacked over corruption

By Bill Van Auken, 6 May 2016

The removal of Eduardo Cunha, second in line of succession to the presidency, raises the specter of a constitutional breakdown.

May Day 2016: The US-China conflict and the political crisis in Latin America

By Bill Van Auken, 5 May 2016

Bill Van Auken, Latin America editor of the WSWS, delivered the following speech to the International Online May Day Rally.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

3 May 2016

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US backs police purge in Honduras

By Andrea Lobo, 23 April 2016

The purge in the National Police is in line with increased militarization and more repressive measures in Honduras.

Thirteen Mexican oil workers reported killed with toll rising at Pemex plant

By Bill Van Auken, 22 April 2016

The plant was turned over to Mexichem as part of the government’s privatization drive, and workers reported that safety and maintenance had been neglected.

Brazil’s impeachment crisis and the debacle of the Workers Party

By Bill Van Auken, 19 April 2016

The vote to proceed with the impeachment of Rousseff marks the end of a political era and the opening up of a new period of intense class struggle in Latin America’s largest country.

Brazilian congress votes to impeach PT President Rousseff

By Miguel Andrade, 18 April 2016

The PT’s inability to counter the reactionary alliance of forces with a “there will be no coup” campaign leading up to the vote is an indictment of the party and its politics.

Ecuador earthquake kills hundreds

By Tom Eley, 18 April 2016

Hindered by an absence of earthmoving equipment, desperate residents dug through debris with their hands, as those trapped under rubble called out for help.

Eighteen teachers jailed as police crack down on protests in Mexico

By Neil Hardt, 18 April 2016

Thousands of teachers mobilized across the states of Oaxaca, Chiapas, Guerrero, Michoacán and Veracruz against President Peña Nieto’s education reform plan.

New testimony exposes Mexican government’s complicity in Ayotzinapa massacre

By Neil Hardt, 16 April 2016

Previously unreported testimony shows that federal police were involved in the September 2014 attacks that resulted in the disappearance of 43 student teachers.

FMLN government escalates repression amid civil war-level violence in El Salvador

By Andrea Lobo, 14 April 2016

While most of the violence terrorizing Salvadoran communities is linked to the government, FMLN in power has consistently used it to justify greater austerity and militarization.

Mexican Nissan workers in two-day strike

By Shannon Jones, 5 April 2016

The walkout by more than 5,000 workers brought production to a halt at the Nissan plant in the industrial City of the Valley of Cuernavaca.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

5 April 2016

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The Brazilian “More Doctors” program’s dilemma

By Pablo Gomes, 4 April 2016

The Brazilian government’s solution to the lack of health care in the small towns and rural areas was to “import” doctors from overseas, mainly Cubans.

Mexican government obstructs investigation into disappearance of the Ayotzinapa 43

By Don Knowland, 4 April 2016

The Mexican government is threatening to shut down an investigation by independent experts of the disappearance of the student teachers and seeks to buy off their parents.

The drive to impeachment and the dangers facing the Brazilian working class

By Bill Van Auken, 1 April 2016

The attempt to oust Rousseff and the PT over corruption is driven by the demand of Brazilian and foreign capital for an acceleration of ongoing attacks on workers’ living standards.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

29 March 2016

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Obama hails Macri’s attacks on Argentine workers

By Rafael Azul, 24 March 2016

Obama’s trip is aimed at cementing closer military and economic relations with the right-wing Macri government.

Obama in Cuba

By Bill Van Auken, 22 March 2016

Obama’s “human rights” masquerade is aided and abetted not only by the slavish US media, but also by the Castro government itself.

Castro government welcomes Obama, US corporate heads to Cuba

By Alexander Fangmann, 21 March 2016

Leading a delegation of over 1,000 US politicians and business executives, Obama’s visit represents a substantial move to bring Cuba under the direct sway of US imperialism.

Argentina: President Macri’s first 100 days

By Rafael Azul, 19 March 2016

The antidemocratic and austerity measures enacted by the Macri administration are in continuity with those of the Videla junta 40 years ago.

Millions join protests in Brazil demanding ouster of Workers Party government

By Bill Van Auken, 15 March 2016

The mass demonstrations came as new figures showed the country’s economy sliding deeper into depression.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

15 March 2016

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Peña Nieto joins Mexican ex-presidents in denouncing Trump

By Bill Van Auken, 8 March 2016

The right-wing representatives of the Mexican bourgeoisie fear that Trump’s campaign will interfere with their collaboration with Washington.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

8 March 2016

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

1 March 2016

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Bolivians reject fourth term for Evo Morales in constitutional referendum

By Neil Hardt, 24 February 2016

The “no” vote, which prevents Morales from running in 2019, took place in the midst of escalating social and geopolitical tensions in the impoverished Andean country.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

23 February 2016

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Obama to make March trip to Cuba

By Bill Van Auken, 19 February 2016

Emphasizing Obama’s intention to meet with “dissidents” and “entrepreneurs,” the White House made clear that the trip is part of a policy aimed at restoring US control over Cuba.

Coup threatened in Venezuela amidst deepening economic crisis

By Eric London, 15 February 2016

In the midst of skyrocketing inflation, food scarcity and economic stagnation, the opposition Democratic Unity Roundtable is maneuvering for the removal of Maduro.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

2 February 2016

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World Bank documents growth of “ninis” in Latin America: Youth neither working nor in school

By Kevin Martinez, 1 February 2016

At least 20 million young people in Latin America and the Caribbean are neither studying nor working despite the region being touted as a economic “success story.”

Workers Struggles: The Americas

27 January 2016

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

26 January 2016

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Brazilian government represses Sao Paulo fare hike protests

By Armando Cruz, 25 January 2016

The fare hikes are part of a year-long attack on the living standards of the population, designed to placate the international banks.

Supreme Court to rule on Obama immigration program

By Bill Van Auken, 20 January 2016

The court’s announcement came amid rising anger and fear over the roundup and deportation of Central American refugees.

Workers Struggles: the Americas

19 January 2016

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Pentagon calls for “pivot” to target Latin America

By Bill Van Auken, 13 January 2016

The calls from within the military envision a struggle with China over domination of the hemisphere.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

12 January 2016

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

5 January 2016

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

22 December 2015

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

15 December 2015

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A reply to discussion on the Venezuelan elections

By Bill Van Auken, 14 December 2015

The burning question posed in Latin America is that of revolutionary leadership: the building of new parties based on the struggle for the political independence of the working class.

The Venezuelan elections and the dead end of Latin America’s “turn to the left”

By Bill Van Auken, 11 December 2015

The defeat suffered by the ruling chavistas in Venezuela is part of a growing crisis of the so-called “left” bourgeois parties throughout Latin America.

Maduro government suffers steep electoral losses to Venezuelan right

By Bill Van Auken, 8 December 2015

The election results will drive the Maduro government further to the right, while opening up a crisis within the chavista movement.

Chilean military exercises fuel tensions with Bolivia and Peru

By Cesar Uco, 8 December 2015

The exercises took place under conditions in which both Peru and Bolivia have won favorable rulings from the International Court of Justice in territorial disputes with Chile.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

8 December 2015

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

1 December 2015

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

17 November 2015

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

11 November 2015

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

3 November 2015

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

27 October 2015

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Haiti: UN Security Council votes to extend by a year its military presence

By John Marion, 21 October 2015

While claiming to promote “security” and fight gangs, the UN and Washington are worried about public unrest during the upcoming elections.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

20 October 2015

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

6 October 2015

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Pope Francis to Cubans: “avoid ideology”…or else!

By Rafael Azul, 23 September 2015

True to his personal history, Pope Francis warns workers and youth to stay away from revolutionary socialism.

Large demonstrations in Ecuador against Correa government

By our reporter, 15 August 2015

As thousands of workers and indigenous peasants descended on Quito, the Bolivarian government of Rafael Correa sent police to attack the demonstrators.

Economic slowdown in Peru ignites social tensions

By Cesar Uco, 1 August 2015

Two out of three Peruvians report being unable to live off of their salaries, while just 113 families monopolize 46 percent of the country’s wealth.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

28 July 2015

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Dramatic drop in profits for largest corporations in Latin America

By Cesar Uco, 23 July 2015

The latest figures confirm the fact that the so-called emerging markets are unable to offset the drop in production and consumption in the US and the EU.

Hundreds of thousands of Haitians face deportation from the Dominican Republic

By John Marion, 23 June 2015

With the passing of a deadline in the Dominican Republic for Haitians to apply for regularization of their immigration status, many thousands are now effectively stateless.

Peru’s mining protests suspended amid evidence of leadership’s corruption

By Cesar Uco, 16 June 2015

The most prominent leader of the protests had apparently demanded money in return for calling off the mass struggle against the Tia Maria mine project.

Mexican elections held under conditions of police-military siege

By Rafael Azul, 9 June 2015

The government of President Peña Nieto mobilized military and police forces across Mexico to prevent protests by teachers and youth.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

31 May 2015

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Chinese premier concludes four-country tour of South America

By Alexander Fangmann, 30 May 2015

The trip yielded a variety of trade and investment deals, along with infrastructure initiatives—all aimed at counteracting slowing domestic growth while expanding influence in the region.

Colombian peace talks continue amid renewed combat

By Bill Van Auken, 30 May 2015

The Colombian government dispatched its foreign minister and one of the country’s most prominent capitalists in an attempt to salvage the negotiations with the FARC.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

12 May 2015

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

26 April 2015

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

19 April 2015

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Petrobras crisis intensifies as treasurer of Brazil’s Workers Party arrested

By Bill Van Auken, 17 April 2015

The response of the Rousseff government to the crisis has been to move even further to the right, while handing over key functions of her presidency to right-wing figures.

Obama, Castro to meet at Americas summit

By Bill Van Auken, 11 April 2015

The meeting, the first between top US and Cuban officials in nearly six decades, is part of a rapprochement between Washington and Havana.

Brazil’s government vows “huge cuts” as economic crisis intensifies

By Bill Van Auken, 2 April 2015

Faced with a massive corruption scandal and rising pressure from the right, President Rousseff is embarking on another round of austerity measures.

Six months since the disappearance of the 43 Mexican students

By Rafael Azul, 2 April 2015

Thousands marched and rallied in Mexico City demanding justice for the disappeared rural student teachers.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

22 March 2015

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Puerto Rico: Regressive taxes levied on workers as island’s economy falters

By John Marion, 2 March 2015

Predatory financiers are creating tax havens in Puerto Rico and using the federal courts to protect their interests.

Rightist mayor faces coup charges as Venezuela’s crisis deepens

By Bill Van Auken, 25 February 2015

While there is no doubt that the US and the Venezuelan right are up to their necks in plots, the principal conspiracy is aimed against the country’s working class.

White House outlines policy for deepening intervention in Central America

By Matthew Brennan, 19 February 2015

The Obama administration’s rhetoric about democracy and immigration reform masks US imperialism’s real aims in the region.

Peru’s currency falls sharply amidst economic crisis

By Cesar Uco, 2 February 2015

The most significant cause of the deterioration of the Peruvian economy is the sharp drop in copper exports caused by a slowdown in global demand.

First round of US-Cuba talks end as restrictions eased

By Alexander Fangmann, 26 January 2015

While deep disagreements remain between the regimes in Havana and Washington, the movement towards the resumption of relations continues at great speed.

Haiti earthquake relief funds unaccounted for amid pervasive human misery

By John Marion, 20 January 2015

While the US refuses to account for earthquake reconstruction funds it promised, hundreds of thousands in Port-au-Prince are still without secure shelter.