Left Q/A

Monthly panels/talks aimed at enhancing dialogue and debate on the left in Melbourne.

Event Details:

Generally held on the 1st Thursday of the month (unless otherwise stated – see dates below), 7pm at the Bella Union Bar, 54 Victoria St, Carlton (upstairs, Trades Hall). Please note: pre-booking links, via Bella Union,  and prices will be put up below, when details for events are finalized.

Upcoming Events

February 2nd, 2017

Panel: The rise of the ‘populist’ right and the anti-globalisation backlash: how should the left respond?

Speakers: TBC

February 23rd, 2017

Topic: Rethinking socialism for sustainability

Speakers: Hans Baer (Senior Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Social Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne) & Terry Leahy (lecturer in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Newcastle, Australia)


March 2nd, 2017

Topic: What does Left and Right mean when cooperation is required to fix the planet?

Speaker: Steb Fisher (Honorary Research Fellow, Federation University Australia)


April 6th, 2017

Book Talk: The history of protest in Australia

Speaker: Clive Hamilton (Professor of Public Ethics at Charles Sturt University in Canberra)


May 4th, 2017:

Book Talk: Class Choreographies: Elite schooling and globalisation

Speaker: Jane Kenway (Professorial Fellow with the Australian Research Council, Monash University)


June 1st 2017:

Topic: Indigenous economic development (Exact Topic TBC)

Speaker: Jon Altman ( Research professor at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University)
