Globalisation & Labour in the 21st Century – Verity Burgmann

Admission: $5 or $3 for NIBS members (pre-book here) The book argues that despite the adverse impact of globalization on the working-class, today workers around the world are challenging their increased exploitation by globalizing corporations. In developed countries, many unions are transforming themselves to confront employer power in ways more appropriate to contemporary circumstances; in … Continue reading Globalisation & Labour in the 21st Century – Verity Burgmann

Fighting the Corporate Takeover – Anti-TPP Activism & Strategies

Thursday May 19th 7pm, New International Book Shop 54 Victoria St, Carlton, 3053  Admission: By Donation Pre-Book your tickets here The Transpacific Partnership Deal threatens to further undermine democracy and welfare standards in Australia. But it has NOT yet been ratified by our parliament! I Such legislation has been been blocked in the past, and … Continue reading Fighting the Corporate Takeover – Anti-TPP Activism & Strategies

Corbyn and Sanders: The limits and possibilities of the New Parlimentary Left

As part of its Left Q/A Series NIBS will host a discussion on: Corbyn and Sanders: The limits and possibilities of the New Parlimentary Left Thursday April  21st  7pm-8:30pm, New International Book Shop 54 Victoria St, Carlton, 3053  Recently the United States and Britain have witnessed the emergence of politicians that openly label themselves as Socialists. … Continue reading Corbyn and Sanders: The limits and possibilities of the New Parlimentary Left