
MIT alumnus; Investment Banker; Kashmiri Hindu; Kashmiri Shaivite; fiscal conservative; social liberal; Support Rational discourse & Individual freedom

India, Canada
Beigetreten Juli 2011


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    27. Apr.
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    The murderous attack on by thousands of thugs on was organised by Zulfi Bukhari aide of . Bukhari is a chum of London Mayor who is complicit. must explain as Indian lives are at stake.

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    15. Aug.

    An overview of the temple heritage redevelopment project in Varanasi. Impressive that much has already been accomplished.

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    My friend Bibi, as always, your wishes have touched all Indians. May India and Israel become even closer friends in the years to come.

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    London police failed to prevent violence by Pakistanis at India Place and protect Indians who had gathered for London Mayor Sadiq Khan alowed mayhem to prevail. Nightmare of Londonistan is not fiction. Kudos to Indian High Commission.

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    Thousands of murderous thugs who were bussed in from all over tried to force their way into High Commission. This was a planned assault allowed under Mayor Sadiq Khan's watch. just got more dangerous on 15 August.

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    15. Aug.

    Happy Independence Day friends, here’s a video message from Kangana.... please watch and share, Jai Hind 🙏

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    “The preservation of freedom, is not the task of soldiers alone. The whole nation has to be strong.” – Lal Bahadur Shastri Celebrating this day with pride in our hearts. 🙏🙏 Happy Independence Day 🇮🇳

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  9. 15. Aug.
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    14. Aug.

    Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh bans offering namaz on the roads across the state

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    14. Aug.

    At Vasant Kunj yest, walked up ramp in much pain. Did an ECG, told cardiac event. Askd for 50K to shove me into ICU. Escaped to AIIMS. My 40 somethng yr old heart found perfect. Moral- Don't go alone in a med crisis. Patients have to fight illness + robbery.

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  12. 14. Aug.
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    14. Aug.

    forcefully annexed against the wishes of the people of the province in 1947. Today as the country celebrates its independence day, let's remind them that stands with .

    , , und 2 weitere
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  14. 14. Aug.
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  15. hat retweetet
    13. Aug.

    Most journalists are like Christmas lights half of them are not working, the ones that are working aren't too bright.

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    16. Nov. 2018

    Why ? Our Army butchered civilian,women,children in East Pakistan (Bangladesh) now they're doing exactly the same thing again in Balochistan,6 millions tribal people they have been bombed their economy have been destroyed when imran wasn't 's baby

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    12. Aug.

    The attack on Hinduism has uncanny resemblance to Christian annihilation of Paganism – A review of ‘The Darkening Age’ by

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    13. Aug.
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  20. 13. Aug.
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    Thank you so much for including my book on your Professional Development Reading List! It's a real honor. India does not receive the attention it should in the U.S.--the book provides background on its int'l ambitions, which continue to grow.

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