08.9.2016 - 3:57 PM EDT

You've seen the quote. It speaks for itself. But remember this. For Donald Trump, life is about domination. There are dominators and the dominated. Right now he's being dominated, beaten, humiliated. That may be fun to watch if you're a Democrat. It's not fun for him. That psychic injury will drive escalating reactions.

08.9.2016 - 2:36 PM EDT

As we gear up for the last 90 day sprint, day is a great day to subscribe to TPM. You get all sorts of great stuff: exclusive reporting, a cleaner faster version of the site with fewer ads, no ads on your smartphone, The Hive and a lot more. But most of all, you do the biggest thing you can to make TPM better, help us thrive rather than merely survive. It's as simple as that. As I explained here in an interview in one of the country's future of journalism publications, I think it's folly to believe that most publications can survive or thrive without a robust membership base. Some can, sure. But most of those are living on VC money or operating at vast scale that makes a deep connection with a loyal community of readers all but impossible. As I've said a number of times, if you feel like you need us, then we need you. It's a catchy phrase but it's more important that it's true. We need you to become part of what we do, become a member. It's just 14 cents a day. Not a lot for most of you. So take this moment, right now, just set aside 3 or 4 minutes and become part of our team. Click right here.

08.9.2016 - 1:45 PM EDT

It may seem I'm getting a bit ahead of things by asking this question. This post is more a stab at thinking the question through than a definitive argument. But let's ask the question: If Trump goes down to defeat in November, is that the end of Trumpism? As I've thought more about this question over recent days, I think the answer is clearly 'no'.

08.9.2016 - 11:54 AM EDT

As part of our commitment to data journalism here at TPM, today we're introducing TPM’s Guide To GOPers Hopping Off The Trump Train. As things get bleaker for Trump, more and more Republicans are trying to distance themselves from what appears to be a building reputational disaster for the GOP and all associated with Trump. But all are not created equal. So we've created a three part taxonomy. "Ready for Hillary" for Republicans who've taken the ultimate plunge and announced they will vote for Hillary Clinton. "Holdouts" are those who have announced that they will not vote for Trump but either refuse to say who they will vote for or have announced that they will vote for someone other than Hillary Clinton. "Arch-Weasels" are those Republicans who have made increasingly harsh criticisms of Trump, sometimes questioning his fitness for office and even his sanity but still endorse him for President and say they plan to vote for them. Given this effort to fudge and weasel out of the most elemental question a politician faces, the "Arch-Weasel" designation should speak for itself. Click here to read the Guide and please send in suggestions for revisions, additions and so forth.

08.9.2016 - 11:09 AM EDT

The TPM Electoral Scoreboard moves to Clinton 318, Trump 164, as North Carolina moves from the Trump column to Toss-up. Meanwhile, a new poll from NBC/SurveyMonkey pushes the PollTracker Avg to Clinton 49.6%, Trump 39.3%, a spread of 10.3 points, Clinton's highest margin of the election season.

Quote of the day: "We beat a lot of people in the primaries and now we have one person left. And we're actually doing pretty well there." - Donald Trump.

08.8.2016 - 8:10 PM EDT

I thought it would be interesting to look at the Clinton v Trump trend chart side by side with the 2012 Obama v Romney trend chart. I've taken both and limited for the span of time between January 1st and August 8th for each year. Charts after the jump ...

Former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ), who survived an assassination attempt in 2011, urged Americans...
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) labeled Donald Trump's remarks about "Second Amendment people" stopping Hillary...
When asked about how he felt about Donald Trump's comments that “Second Amendment people”...
Michael Hayden, the ex-director of the National Security Agency and former head of the...
Shortly after Donald Trump offhandedly remarked at a Tuesday campaign event that “Second Amendment...

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