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Please donate to CAL Press / Modern Slavery today.

CAL Press and Modern Slavery are in the process of installing new payment processing. Please check back soon!

In order to continue publishing regularly at our current size and format, we need to reach our ongoing goal of 300 subscriptions. At a current level of closer to 30 subscriptions, we have a long way to go.

The printing and shipping costs alone for each issue of Modern Slavery run between $8,000 and $10,000. At best, our newsstand sales will only ever pay for a fraction of our total costs. With about 2,400 copies of our latest issue available through distributors and newsstands, even if 50% of them sell (and that’s quite a bit higher than the magazine industry average!) we will still need 300 subscribers to ensure our longer-term survival.

You can help by donating whatever you can now to allow us time to build up our subscription base in order to create the foundation for the survival and flourishing of the Modern Slavery project.

You can also subscribe yourself or become a sustaining subscriber, give gift subscriptions, and/or encourage your friends and family to subscribe. Suggest or donate a subscription to Modern Slavery to your local infoshop and libraries. And just pass the word every way you can! Write a review of the latest issue of Modern Slavery for other publications. Comment on the project on your favorite e-mail lists. Or just mention Modern Slavery to your friends.

Thanks for your help in making this project a success!

One comment

  1. adrian says:

    I came upon your journal at a Woody’s book store here in Greeley, CO & after buying the first two I know ill keep contributing to you all. Good work on the essays everyone & keep spreading the word!

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