
MH370 in catastrophic death dive before impact, says new analysis

Automated signals received from Flight MH370 show the Malaysia Airlines plane plunged into the Indian Ocean at a speed of up to 20,000 feet a minute in its final moments before crashing.

Scientists from the Ministry of Defence, analysing automated signals received from the plane, show that the Boeing 777 would have ran out of fuel, causing both engines to flame out, which would then cause the plane to slow and lose lift. 

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Debris 'almost certainly' from missing MH370

Plane debris recovered from Mozambique and South Africa are highly likely to have come from the downed Malaysia Airlines flight, authorities say.

Initially, its nose would drop and the plane with 239 people aboard would have gone through a series of downward swoops. The movements would have continued until the plane achieved a steep dive creating a catastrophic impact.

The March 8, 2014 disappearance of the plane is one of the greatest aviation mysteries in modern history.

News Corp reports that the the latest analysis, backed by simulations from aircraft manufacturer Boeing, fits with a news analysis of sets of signals between the airplane and satellites in orbit overhead.

Australian Transport Safety Bureau chief commissioner Greg Hood said the latest data analysis most closely matched a situation in which no pilot was in control before the plane crashed.