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Why democracy won in the Senate, whoever you support

Some of your new Senators: Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts.

Malcolm Turnbull likes to quote a John Howard maxim: that politics is relentlessly driven by the laws of arithmetic. It's usually pretty hard to argue with, given the relentlessly faithless way parliamentarians tend to respond to bad polling data.

Trying to make sense of the census

If I fill in my census form with all the detailed information required – including my name and my address – will it be safe?

"Please advise. Should I fill out my religion accurately on my census form & then forever fear what happened to my grandparents? #CensusFail"

Turning up the heat on youth detention

Youths being isolated and strapped to mechanical chairs and six boys being tear-gassed at the Don Dale Youth Detention ...

The controversy surrounding the Northern Territory's Don Dale Detention Centre reminds me of the frog in the saucepan story, the one that compares what happens to the frog when the water in the saucepan is left to slowly simmer with what happens when the heat is suddenly turned up high.

Why less sex for millennials is good thing

Unleashed and undressed: many undergo a sexual awakening at university.

Older generations always seem to fret about the sexual behaviour and romantic lives of the younger crowd. In the 1920s, there was alarm when boys stopped visiting in the parlour and started driving girls around in what one newspaper called "a house of prostitution on wheels." This worry paled in comparison to the panic evoked by the rowdy sexual revolution that began in the late 1960s.

Why not go straight to a treaty?


There are, at elections, the things people believe they're voting for, the things they are actually voting for but don't realise at the time, and the stories we all tell about it afterwards.