
Samsung's Gear Fit2 has features fit to burst

Samsung's latest wearable, the Gear Fit2, falls into the "fitness plus" category: a device that is predominantly about fitness, with a few extra smarts of a watch. Microsoft's Band 2 and Sony's Smartband tried and failed to tackle this inbetweener market. Samsung's attempt is a lot more successful.

To begin with, the device is far more comfortable to wear. The rubbery band feels soft against the skin and, while the footprint of the screen is large, it's very light. The AMOLED display is beautifully crisp and easy to read. Despite the marketing material, the device looks more geek than jock, but that just makes me like it more.

Samsung's Gear Fit2 is a fitness tracker with smart-watch tendencies.
Samsung's Gear Fit2 is a fitness tracker with smart-watch tendencies. Photo: Supplied

Paired with any recent Android phone, the Gear Fit2 can display notifications, calendar appointments, calls and anything else a more expensive smart watch can. You can even remotely control Spotify, complete with album art.

The device has built-in GPS so you can take it for a run while you leave your phone at home. There's two gigabytes of onboard storage available for music. It felt quaint syncing MP3s to a device again, even if it was over the air. Sadly, you can't sync a Spotify playlist off-line to the device.

The only real downside here is a common one in the fitness space. All your friends have Fitbits, so the Gear Fit2 is not exactly sociable. Still, the data provided is excellent, and the S-Health app is simple and well designed. It's easy to create fitness goals, and the Fit2 will encourage you to meet them.

If you're looking for the ultimate fitness wearable, there are probably better devices out there. But if you're looking for an entry level smart watch, this weird little device might just be what you're after.