
Sesame Street Fighter is today's best time waster

If you're desperately looking for any reason to waste time at work today that doesn't involve watching the Olympics, then let me introduce you to Sesame Street Fighter. It's Street Fighter in your browser, but with Sesame Street characters, Russian cities and German scientists. No, really.

This glorious time-killing mashup is the creation of Flavour Machine, which has a penchant for mashing various bits of pop culture into your browser. They've previously created the Psychotic Writer, which creates entire novels using only the phrase "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", a Breaking Bad spin-off of Cooking Mama, and a 8-bit version of Fruit Ninja that uses the arrow keys.

Fighters are mashups of Street Fighter and Sesame Street characters.
Fighters are mashups of Street Fighter and Sesame Street characters. 

But none of those are remotely as awesome as ripped-as-hell Cookie Monster taking on Elmo as the Dictator, or a Ryu-themed version of Bert.

What's amazing is that the game is actually a functional tool for learning. The fighting plays out like Typing of the Dead: to attack, simply type out the word presented above your character. The difficulty of the words depends on the character you choose. If you go for E.Honda Cookie Monster, you'll be typing about animals. Pick Elmo, however, and you'll be frantically mashing out the names of German scientists.

Each fighter has a favourite topic and a different spelling level, which affects how long and difficult its words are.
Each fighter has a favourite topic and a different spelling level, which affects how long and difficult its words are. 

It's a perfect way to waste a few minutes today, and if you're bored with the rampant nationalism surrounding the Olympics its a fantastic tonic. Knock yourself out, and Elmo several times, here.

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