
Census 2016: Malcolm Turnbull finds census 'easy' as website crashes

Australians might be pulling their hair out in frustration as they try to fill out their census forms, but their Prime Minister had no such difficulty.

Malcolm Turnbull tweeted that he had completed the form online on Tuesday night, adding that it was "[very] easy to do".

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Website meltdown on Census night

Thousands of social media users, including the Prime Minister, posted their experience with the ABS website on Tuesday's official Census night.

Twitter users were quick to respond in anger.  

One asked if he could tweet his answers to the PM for him to fill out, while others wanted to go round to his house to complete it.

Many pointed out that Mr Turnbull must have filled out his form before the site crashed.


"Several million of the rest of us [are] not so smug," one user wrote.

"It's sometimes worth waiting a little while before hitting the send/tweet button," wrote another.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has no trouble filling in his census form online on Tuesday night.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has no trouble filling in his census form online on Tuesday night.  Photo: Louise Kennerley

Others used the opportunity to take a shot at the National Broadband Network.

"It might have gone a lot better if we had a proper NBN with fibre to the home," wrote one user.

"I'll do mine right after the #NBN arrives at my house. Fair deal?" wrote another.

Meanwhile, Fairfax Media has been flooded with emails from exasperated readers unable to fill their forms.

Many have been trying for hours, incorrectly concerned they will receive fines if they don't lodge them on Tuesday night. In fact, people have until September 23 to complete their census. 

"Census nightmare. Seriously what a joke and waste of my time," wrote Jennifer Anderson.

"I have been trying for 30 mins to log in and keep getting this same message."

Meanwhile Vicky Gemmell turned her frustration into poetry.

"Raising fists at useless gits," she rhymed.

"Their software's shite. What a waste of my night."

Martin Kelly said anyone with any computer knowledge would have predicted there would be "MAJOR issues".

Another Fairfax reader, Kim Huynh, suggested the ABS take notes from the magazine that published Kim Kardashian's "break the internet" butt pics and received more than 30 million unique visitors in a few days without any difficulty.  

Many Twitter users made light of the situation. 

But one influential social media user was not amused.