Keep Them Warm project

Keep Them Warm project

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VPM Micro Credit Project

VPM Micro Credit Project

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Scholarship project

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Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center

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Provide Medicines and Medical Equipment for charitable hospitals

Provide Medicines and Medical Equipment for charitable hospitals

Project VPM 3/2016 Viva Palestina Malaysia (VPM) and Arab Medical…

Ramadan Food Basket

Ramadan Food Basket

3 July 2015 Alhamdulillah, Great Thank to Viva Palestina Donors,…

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Project 9/2016 - Ramadan Food Basket

Posted in Fund Disbursement

VPM Project 9/2016
In the last days of Ramadan 1437, VPM and their partner NGOs completed Ramadan food basket for Palestinian poor families in West Bank and for Palestinian refugees in the camps in South Turkey.
Out heartfelt appreciation to all donors who contributed to the program. Jazakallahu khairan kathira.

Press Release: Response to former IGP Musa Hassan

Posted in VPM

7 July 2016 / 2 Shawal 1437

We are utterly surprised and extremely dismayed at the suggestion of the former IGP, Musa Hassan, linking the recent spate of Malaysian involvement in terrorist activities with their taking of the Palestinian cause to the extreme (Former IGP tells police to take IS threat seriously. FMT, July 5, 2016


It is a very simplistic notion on the radicalization of Muslims, resident in different parts of the world and sweeping across different social strata. The contributory factors are undoubtedly multi-factorial and to conflate them with legitimate fervor for the just Palestinian cause is very naive and reductionist.


Among other reasons, IS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) has a very savvy and sophisticated online and social media presence which lures their victims towards their grandiose theology of the utopian global caliphate, ruled by Shari’ah law which claims religious, political and military authority over all Muslims worldwide. Once locked in, they are brainwashed into thinking the kafir harbi (non-believers) and the hypocrites among the Muslims can be legitimately killed because of their infidelity and aggression towards the Islamic state.


It cannot be denied that a miniscule number of the Muslim radicals support the Palestinian cause but the majority of pro-Palestinian activists are lay Muslims and non-Muslims who empathize with the legitimate struggle of Palestinians against the unjust and illegal occupation, colonization and subjugation of the Palestinians by Zionist Israel. IS and al-Qaeda et al has been virtually silent on the Palestinian struggle. IS has done absolutely nothing positive for Palestinians on the ground. Instead, their war has been against all infidels and Muslims who do not subscribe to their extremist theology, as the recent terrorist attacks in Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia has testified. The Zionist state of Israel has been spared of their theology of hate, vengeance and murder.


The Palestinian cause is grounded on universal human rights and is supported by all peaceful and reasonable people who categorically oppose all forms of racism, including Islamophobia and anti-Semitism. This is in stark contrast to the extremist and hostile theology of IS which has hijacked, abused and infinitely harmed the image of Islam.


The former IGP’s sweeping statements which lacked any substantial evidence is mischievous and irresponsible since by extension it would mean that those who support the Palestinian cause are potentially extremists or worst, terrorist. This surely adds to Israel and her allies attempts to defame Palestinians and Palestinian activists worldwide as terrorists.


We urge him to retract his ill thought statements. Notwithstanding, our activism would continue unabated and we call upon all Malaysians to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian popular resistance until Israel:

1.      Ends its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands occupied in June 1967 and dismantles the Apartheid Wall;
2.      Recognize the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3.      Respect, protect and promote the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194.



Dato’ Dr Musa Mohd Nordin

Chairman, Viva Palestina Malaysia (VPM)


Prof Dr Mohd Nazari Ismail

Chairman, Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, Malaysia (BDS)


Assoc Prof Dr Hafidzi Mohd Noor

Chairman, MyCARE Malaysia

Project No. 07/2016 - Collective Ifar in Al-Aqsa Mosque

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Project No. 07/2016
Collective Ifar in Al-Aqsa Mosque
Funded by: Viva Palestina Malaysia.
Implemented By: Al Shatiby Society for Al Quran and it's Sciences
Date: 16nRamadan 1437.

We may not b able to visit Al Aqsa mosque physically but we can visit it with our hearts and our generosity.

This is VPM's third year iftar in Al-Quds.
We fed about 1,000 of the jamaah in Al-Aqsa.

Our big thank you to all VPM donors who contributed to this noble project. May Allah reward you all infinitely in this blessed month. Ameen.

VPM - Enjoy and Learn Swimming

Posted in Events

"Enjoy and Learn swimming"
A free swimming summer camp for more than 100 children from North Gaza.
Activities were in a newly excavated swimming pool completed with a contribution from The Italian Centre for Cultural Exchanges (VIK) in Gaza.

Apart from acquiring swimming skills, fostering a near normal social milieu, the program was critical for the rehabilitation of these children who exhibited latent or overt features of PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to the hostile occupation and repeated military attacks.

Ramadan Food Voucher Updates

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Ramadan Updates from Palestine.
Today morning in the
Middle of Gaza governorate,
120 poor families bought what they needed using VPM Ramadan food vouchers donated by generous Malaysian and friends of VPM.
Engineer Hani Thuraya, VPM director of operations in Palestine wrote, "When i visited the site,
I could not tell who are the poor and who are the rich from the people shopping in the market. This is probably one of the hidden advantage of the food vouchers."

Endorsement Letter for the Annual Rachel Corrie Ramadan Football Tournament for Young Men 2016

Posted in Events

15 June 2016


VIVA PALESTINA MALAYSIA (VPM) overwhelmingly supports 2016 Rachel Corrie Ramadan Football Tournament in Rafah City in loving memory of Rachel Corrie, an American Activist who sacrificed her life in 2003 whilst trying to protect Palestinian houses from being demolished by the Israeli Army.

We are extremely inspired by the perseverance and tenacity of the Palestinians, especially the young people, in their resistance against the military blockade and occupation in their quest for justice, freedom and peace.

We wish each and every one of you; the organizers, the players and the youths all the best and hope you will benefit and enjoy the tournament.



Pertubuhan Viva Palestina Malaysia

Project No. 06-D/2016 - Ramadan Food Vouchers

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Project No. 06-D/2016
Project Title: Ramadan Food Vouchers
Viva Palestina Malaysia has started implementing its Ramadan project in North of Gaza Strip by distribution of food vouchers to poor and needy families. It enables them to buy their food for Iftar and Suhour.
We hope to promptly extend to all of Gaza Strip.
Your generous contributions will assist VPM to reach out to thousands of Palestinian families living in poverty.

Celebrating the hero, Muhammad Ali (1942-2016) - BDS South Africa

Posted in Other News

Celebrating the hero, Muhammad Ali (1942-2016)

04 June 2016

The human rights and Palestine solidarity organisation BDS South Africa joins the peace-loving peoples of the world in mourning the loss and celebrating the life of boxing legend and activist, Muhammad Ali.

Ali is an inspiration for those us fighting for justice - be it in the struggle against racial injustice, economic exploitation or Israeli Apartheid.

According to news reports, in 1974 already, the former boxing champion told a press conference in Beirut, that “the United States is the stronghold of Zionism and imperialism.” On a later visit to two Palestinian refugee camps Muhammad Ali is quoted as saying: “I declare support for the Palestinian struggle to liberate their homeland."

In 1985 the heavyweight boxer travelled to Israel in an attempt to secure the release of Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners held by the Israeli regime.

Ali’s determination and commitment to civil rights, anti-imperialism and social justice motivated many of our people (and our international allies) in the anti-apartheid movement. Today Ali inspires many Palestinian solidarity activists in the struggle and boycott of Israeli Apartheid.

Muhammad Ali - our champ, the peoples champ, the champ.

Hamba Kahle, Comrade Muhammad Ali. Lala ngoxolo.


Project No. 42/2015 - Interest free loans for micro finance projects run by poor and needy families in Gaza Strip to improve their economic situations and empower financial sustainability

Posted in Uncategorised

VPM Project No. 42/2015

Interest free loans for micro finance projects run by poor and needy families in Gaza Strip to improve their economic situations and empower financial sustainability.

Many Palestinian families applied for this opportunity to develop their micro projects.

Based on multiple criteria, our partner, Rowad society selected 4 cases to be the beneficiaries. The projects were:
1. Developing a Grocery Shop (USD 2500).
2. Developing a Grocery Shop (USD 2500).
3. Developing a Garments Shop (USD 2500).
4. Developing a Centre for Baby Daycare (USD 2500).
