Social Justice Media Program

Global Justice Ecology Project strategically uses visual art, as well as mainstream and alternative media, to explore and expose the root causes of social, ecological and economic injustice, and to empower those working for change. We accomplish this through various strategies that showcase community struggles against injustice, and that amplify the voices and messages of front line communities working to oppose the companies and other entities causing health, social, ecological, and/or economic damage to their communities.

¡Buen Vivir! Gallery for Contemporary Art

The ¡Buen Vivir! Gallery was founded to present an historical look at movements for change, struggle and everyday life. It is designed to counter the societal amnesia from which we collectively suffer—especially with regard to the history of social and ecological movements and issues, and to inspire new generations to participate in the making of a better world.

The name of the gallery, ¡Buen Vivir!, is a concept stemming from Indigenous and other cultures of the Southern Americas. ¡Buen vivir! means life in harmony between humans, communities, and the Earth–where work is not a job to make others wealthier, but for a livelihood that is sustaining, fulfilling, and in tune with the common good.

KPFK shows

GJEP produces weekly Earth Minutes and EarthWatch interview segments for Margaret Prescod’s syndicated Sojourner Truth show on KPFK Pacifica Radio. We set up live interviews with front-line impacted activists and organizations on drivetime morning Los Angeles and Washington, DC radio, thereby lifting up their voices and stories, promoting their campaigns and breaking news items to hundreds of thousands of listeners.

New Voices on Climate Change Speakers’ Bureau

We highlight and amplify the voices of Indigenous Peoples, impacted communities in resistance, social movements and other on-the-ground experts. Global Justice Ecology Project’s New Voices on Climate Change program has resulted in literally hundreds of interviews and articles, raising the profile and projecting the messages of GJEP and our allies to millions of people around the world.

Langelle Photography

Orin Langelle is a professional photographer with four decades of experience and an extensive personal archive of photos documenting movements for social and ecological justice. He is also the director of this project, which uses the power of documentary photography to expose social and ecological injustice and document the struggles for societal transformation toward justice, equity, and ecological balance. The project’s goal is to inspire and mobilize those who view the photos to participate in changing the world, while at the same time empowering those striving for justice by connecting them to a concerned audience.