We're Building the Climate Movement

Climate-focused campaigns, projects and actions led from the bottom-up by people in 188 countries. Email is how 350 connects — Join in and get started:

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Break Free From Fossil Fuels

May 3–15, 2016: On six continents, thousands of people took bold action to keep coal, oil and gas in the ground. Break Free showed what the climate movement can do in 2016:
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Exxon’s fingerprints are all over these fires

Right now two extreme California fires are destroying dozens of homes while threatening thousands more. They’ve forced hundreds to evacuate and have already claimed two lives. For me, as for many of you, watching our state burn is heartbreaking, and it’s scary. Just In – #SoberanesFire burning in Monterey County is now 31,386 acres &... (More...)
Climate Denial Climate Impacts Corruption Fossil Fuels North America

The Struggle Deep in the Forests of the Philippines

Last week, 350 Pilipinas coordinator, Zeph Repollo, was part of an international solidarity mission to a remote village of the Dulangan People in Mindanao, Philippines.     I’m writing this note from the lush, forest-clad Daguma Mountain Ranges of Mindanao, Philippines, where the indigenous Dulangan People are in a dangerous struggle against logging and mining corporations encroaching... (More...)
Climate Justice Coal Corruption East Asia Southeast Asia Uncategorized

Crowd chants “Ban fracking now” to Governor Brown at DNC

When California Governor Jerry Brown took to the podium last night at the DNC to talk about climate change, there were two starkly different responses from the audience. One faction of the California delegation led a celebratory cheer of “Jerry, Jerry.” Meanwhile, another group loudly chanted “ban fracking now” – illustrating the chasm between Californians when... (More...)
California Fracking Fracking North America

The Science of 350

Find out what 350ppm means and why we need a global movement to get the planet on a path back to below 350.
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Climate Movement Videos

Check out some of the amazing videos profiling the growth of the global climate movement.
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