Sunday, 25 May 2008

Tax cuts and the Budget - Hone Harawira

"I am surprised that the so-called Labour Party - the so-called party of the working class, the party that is supposed to represent the interests of those in need - could talk about an issue as important as reducing the price of food, and say that the Government is not going to take GST off food simply because it will be an administrative nightmare."

Maori Party MP Hone Harawira speaks his mind in parliament on the Budget and tax cuts. Thursday 22 May.

Kia ora tatou e te Whare.

I do not often support the Employers and Manufacturers Association in this House, but when it comes up with the comment "Was that it?" about these tax cuts, I absolutely support that comment.

The difference is that I am talking on behalf of the poorer people in this country. I am talking on behalf of organisations like the Child Poverty Action Group. I am talking on behalf of the Salvation Army. I am talking on behalf of all of those social service agencies that have been calling for some real, basic relief for people in need.

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