Israeli soldier assaults child playing on ‘Jews-only road’

4 Aug

Video: Israeli soldier assaults child playing on ‘Jews-only road’

“As cruel as this assault is.. it is no random act, but rather enforcement of Israel’s segregation policy in the occupied West Bank city.”

By Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 3 August 2016

Eight-year-old Anwar Burqan was playing with her young sister and brothers in al-Ibrahimi Street, near their home in Hebron’s al-Salaima neighborhood on 25 July when their games were interrupted by Israel’s pervasive military occupation.

The video above, filmed by local resident Raed Abu Ramileh and published by the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, shows some of what happened.

According to Anwar’s account, she was riding a bicycle belonging to one of her brothers when an Israeli Border Police combatant ran over, stepped on the bicycle and took it away from her.

The child can be seen raising her arm in apparent reflexive self-defense.

As can be heard in the video, the combatant shouts at her to “go home” and the child bursts into tears. The rifle-bearing soldier then throws the bicycle into the bushes.

“Only Jews walk here”

As cruel as this assault is – threatening behavior that puts another person in fear of immediate physical harm – it is no random act, but rather enforcement of Israel’s segregation policy in the occupied West Bank city.

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Video interview with Palestinian MP Haneen Zoabi

3 Aug

VIDEO: Interview with Palestinian MP Haneen Zoab. Middle East Monitor, 2 August 2016

Haneen Zoabi is the first female Arab citizen of Israel who is of Palestinian descent to serve in the Israeli Knesset [parliament]. Serving since 2009, Zoabi represents the National Democratic Assembly party whose aim is to transform Israel into a democracy for all its citizens. The party is now part of the Joint List.

An outspoken opponent of the Israeli occupation, Zoabi courts controversy due to her rejection of Israel as a Jewish state and her strong criticism of its policies.

Zoabi speaks to Middle East Monitor about the struggle of Palestinian citizens of Israel and the expulsion bill recently approved by the Israeli Knesset.

Support our Kiwi delegate on the Women’s Boat to Gaza

28 Jul

imagesWe are pleased to announce that our New Zealand nominee, Green Party MP Marama Davidson, has been selected to join the international Women’s Boats to Gaza peace flotilla in September. Marama is the Green Party spokesperson on Human Rights.

Marama will join other prominent women from around the world and international media personnel on this peaceful civil society mission to challenge the illegal and inhumane 10-year Israeli naval blockade of Gaza. This all-women mission will also highlight the important role of women in the struggle for human rights in Palestine. The flotilla boats will be donated to the besieged people of the tiny coastal enclave.

The flotilla will accentuate the devastating effects of the cruel blockade on the 1.8 million Palestinians isolated in Gaza, and emphasize in particular the struggle of women who often fill the role of caring for and sustaining life, and are actively involved in community development and nation building. It is important to make their voices heard, even more so during these times of extreme injustice and hardship.

We also acknowledge the anniversary of the massacre on the Mavi Marmara-led peace flotilla in 2010, when 10 civilians were murdered by Israeli commandos, an illegal attack in international waters that continues to go unpunished. However, this brutal assault doesn’t compare with the continual violence and occupation inflicted on Palestinians while world leaders fail to act. Ending Israel’s occupation, siege and aggression is pivotal to bringing about peace in the region.

Homes, schools and hospitals have been destroyed by repeated Israeli bombings. 97% of water is undrinkable and electricity is reduced to a few hours per day. Israel’s siege severely restricts the movement of goods and people. Gaza is known as the ‘world’s largest prison.’ A United Nations report states that Gaza will be uninhabitable by 2020. In order to change this horrifying prediction the siege and naval blockade must be immediately lifted.

The Women’s Boats to Gaza flotilla, supported by many women’s groups in Gaza and by civil society around the world, seeks to bring a message of hope and solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for peace and justice.

Our NZ appeal target is $25,000 to cover the cost of flights, accommodation and our share of the purchase of the flotilla boats.

How to support this important mission – donate to our appeal to raise $25,000:

Make a direct payment to our bank account: Kia Ora Gaza Trust, 03-0211-0447718-000, Westpac Bank, Onehunga branch. Afterwards, email with your deposit details so we can send you an e-receipt.

Write a cheque for ‘Kia Ora Gaza’ and post to: Kia Ora Gaza Trust, P.O. Box 86022, Mangere East, Auckland 2158

Kia Ora Gaza is a Charitable Trust incorporated under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957. Registration number 2540065.

Kia Ora Gaza calls on the NZ Government to demand the Israeli authorities end the blockade and allow the Women’s Boats to Gaza safe and unhindered passage to their destination – the port of Gaza. Like previous peace flotillas, the Women’s Boats to Gaza poses no threat to Israel.

Roger Fowler QSM,

Chair, Kia Ora Gaza Trust.




Greens’ MP to join women’s peace flotilla: TV interview

26 Jul


Te Karere, 24 July 2016

Green Party MP Marama Davidson is to join a women’s peace boat to Gaza in late September. Ms Davidson says as an indigenous woman, she wants to stand alongside the women of Gaza and to draw attention to the ongoing humanitarian crisis there. Hania Douglas reports for Te Karere [English subtitles].


Green MP to join Women’s Peace Flotilla

22 Jul


Marama Davidson, Green MP, Spokesperson for Maori Development, Social Housing, Human Rights and Pacific Peoples. Photo: Marama Davidson addresses the 2016 Conference on Palestine at the Auckland Town Hall.

Marama Davidson MP, Press Release,, Friday 22 July, 2016

Green Party MP Marama Davidson will be joining a women’s peace boat in late September which will highlight the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the Green Party said today.

Israel has blockaded the Gaza strip by land, sea, and air since 2006, resulting in plummeting living standards and health services, high unemployment, and severe food insecurity, according to the United Nations.

“I am participating in the Women’s Boats to Gaza flotilla to highlight the crucial role of women in keeping their communities afloat, particularly in post-conflict situations,” said Green Party human rights spokesperson Marama Davidson.

“The people of Gaza are still living with the terrible impact of the 2014 war between Israel and Hamas, which resulted in the death of 2,300 civilians and the destruction of hundreds of thousands of homes, schools and hospitals.

“As an indigenous woman myself, I want to stand alongside the women of Gaza and to draw attention to the ongoing humanitarian crisis there.

“Women around the world bear a disproportionate burden in caring for people and keeping communities together in times of hardship, and the women of Palestine are no different. Women’s role in navigating oppression and working for peace and justice has long been under-valued.

“More aid is urgently needed to ensure the fundamental human rights of the Palestinian people in Gaza and to help rebuild the homes, public services and livelihoods that were destroyed in 2014.

“We are calling on Israel to end the collective punishment of the people of Gaza by lifting the inhumane blockade and allowing more critical supplies to go where they are needed the most,” said Ms Davidson.

Video: ‘Gaza In Context’

21 Jul

Video: ‘Gaza In Context’, narrator: Noura Erakat. Produced by 19 July 2016

Gaza in Context is a fantastic educational instrument, conveying in 20 minutes what it would take most people a lifetime to learn. It gives an accurate and visually brilliant portrayal of the tragedy that has befallen not only Gaza, but the entire Palestinian people.”

– Dr. Richard Falk, Professor Emeritus of International law, Princeton University, former United Nations Special Rapporteur to the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Video documentary: ‘The Survivor’s Guide to Gaza’

20 Jul


VIDEO DOCUMENTARY: ‘The Survivor’s Guide to Gaza’ published July 2016

Gaza will be unliveable by 2020 according to the UN, with daily life already a struggle to find food and shelter, but Dateline finds the people bringing innovation and inspiration to the fight for survival.

This SBS Dateline documentary, ‘The Survivor’s Guide to Gaza’ is by Brett Mason, Will West, Georgine Davies and Ana Maria Quinn. [Although this video has some shortcomings, it does offer a glimpse of some of the conditions Palestinians currently endure in the besieged Gaza Strip. Ed]

For more on Brett Mason’s story, go to the SBS Dateline website…



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