We are pleased to announce that our New Zealand nominee, Green Party MP Marama Davidson, has been selected to join the international Women’s Boats to Gaza peace flotilla in September. Marama is the Green Party spokesperson on Human Rights.
Marama will join other prominent women from around the world and international media personnel on this peaceful civil society mission to challenge the illegal and inhumane 10-year Israeli naval blockade of Gaza. This all-women mission will also highlight the important role of women in the struggle for human rights in Palestine. The flotilla boats will be donated to the besieged people of the tiny coastal enclave.
The flotilla will accentuate the devastating effects of the cruel blockade on the 1.8 million Palestinians isolated in Gaza, and emphasize in particular the struggle of women who often fill the role of caring for and sustaining life, and are actively involved in community development and nation building. It is important to make their voices heard, even more so during these times of extreme injustice and hardship.
We also acknowledge the anniversary of the massacre on the Mavi Marmara-led peace flotilla in 2010, when 10 civilians were murdered by Israeli commandos, an illegal attack in international waters that continues to go unpunished. However, this brutal assault doesn’t compare with the continual violence and occupation inflicted on Palestinians while world leaders fail to act. Ending Israel’s occupation, siege and aggression is pivotal to bringing about peace in the region.
Homes, schools and hospitals have been destroyed by repeated Israeli bombings. 97% of water is undrinkable and electricity is reduced to a few hours per day. Israel’s siege severely restricts the movement of goods and people. Gaza is known as the ‘world’s largest prison.’ A United Nations report states that Gaza will be uninhabitable by 2020. In order to change this horrifying prediction the siege and naval blockade must be immediately lifted.
The Women’s Boats to Gaza flotilla, supported by many women’s groups in Gaza and by civil society around the world, seeks to bring a message of hope and solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for peace and justice.
Our NZ appeal target is $25,000 to cover the cost of flights, accommodation and our share of the purchase of the flotilla boats.
How to support this important mission – donate to our appeal to raise $25,000:
Make a direct payment to our bank account: Kia Ora Gaza Trust, 03-0211-0447718-000, Westpac Bank, Onehunga branch. Afterwards, email office@kiaoragaza.net with your deposit details so we can send you an e-receipt.
Write a cheque for ‘Kia Ora Gaza’ and post to: Kia Ora Gaza Trust, P.O. Box 86022, Mangere East, Auckland 2158
Kia Ora Gaza is a Charitable Trust incorporated under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957. Registration number 2540065.
Kia Ora Gaza calls on the NZ Government to demand the Israeli authorities end the blockade and allow the Women’s Boats to Gaza safe and unhindered passage to their destination – the port of Gaza. Like previous peace flotillas, the Women’s Boats to Gaza poses no threat to Israel.
Roger Fowler QSM,
Chair, Kia Ora Gaza Trust.
Website: www.kiaoragaza.net
Email: office@kiaoragaza.net
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