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Welcome to the Climate Change Information Network. Also known as CC:iNet, this web portal serves as a clearinghouse for information sources on public information, education and training in the field of climate change. It is designed to help governments, organizations and individuals gain rapid and easy access to ideas, strategies, contacts, experts and materials that can be used to motivate and empower people to take effective action on climate change. Image

CC:iNet has been established at the request of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Their underlying aim is to support Article 6 of the Convention, which calls on governments to promote education, training and public awareness on climate change. The menu items on the left of this page will guide you through the resources available on the clearinghouse.



International Climate Protection Fellowships in Germany

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation hosts its annual call for young climate experts keen on applying for one-year International Change Protection Fellowships in Germany. The Foundation invites candidates to work on a research-based project on climate-related topics of their own choice, within a German-based host institution of their choosing. Applicants should have been actively working in any of the following areas: scientific, engineering-based, legal, economic, health-related or social aspects of climate change. Prospective candidates from selected non-European transition or developing countries, with related Bachelors and postgraduate degrees are invited to apply online by 15 March 2015. Up to 20 fellowships are expected to be offered this year.


Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Photo credits: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Posted on 11 February 2015

“action/2015” – A global movement to address climate change, inequality and poverty

“action/2015” is a diverse global coalition comprising over 1,200 organizations across 125 countries. It aims to incite world leaders to take truly ambitious decisions in 2015 to tackle poverty, climate change and inequality, particularly against the backdrop of the United Nations Summit to adopt the post-2015 development agenda in September and United Nations Climate Change Conference in December 2015. Driven by the principle of inclusive people’s participation, the “action/2015” movement was launched on 15 January 2015 by a diverse group of environmental, development-based and human rights organizations. Individuals and organizations are encouraged to participate through in activities taking place worldwide. The movement puts youth activism at the heart of its work, starting with an initiative that facilitates young campaigners in sharing their stories.



Posted on 05 February 2015

The 2nd International Children’s Climate Change Conference

The International Climate Change Conference for Children is back. Hosted this year in Kampala, Uganda on 9 April 2015, it brings together 200 child delegates across 20 schools, representing diverse countries from around the world. The Conference is co-organized by Uganda’s Little Hands Go Green and My Kid is a Superstar in partnership with the National Environmental Management Authority, the National Forest Authority, and the National Council for Children. The conference focuses on how children could make their voices better heard on issues relating to climate change, with emphasis on innovations made in Information and Communications Technology that assist children in forging sustainable solutions, amid a host of other initiatives.

Register online


International Children's Climate Change Conference

Posted on 28 January 2015

Moving from Knowledge to Action:
Blogging research and outcome highlights

How does knowledge of social learning and gender transformative research get translated into practicable climate action and equitable livelihoods on the ground? A new open-source blog book entitled “Moving from Knowledge to Action: Blogging research and outcome highlights” published by CGIAR shows you how.


Moving from Knowledge to Action

Posted on 21 January 2015

Lima Ministerial Declaration on Education and Awareness-raising

The pdf-icon Lima Ministerial Declaration on Education and Awareness-raising was adopted during the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties in December 2014. The Declaration puts formal, non-formal and informal education and awareness-raising at the heart of public and state-led climate action and development planning, while strengthening the role of inclusive community-centered participation in decision-making.

Marcin Korolec, President of COP 19/CMP 9 and Secretary of State, Ministry of the Environment, Poland, said that "this declaration is an important step towards bringing education back into the spotlight where it belongs”.


Lima Ministerial Declaration on Education and Awareness-raising

Posted on 15 January 2015

“Pathways to climate change adaptation” – a free online course with the University of Geneva

The University of Geneva and the United Nations Environment Programme, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme’s National Adaptation Planning Global Support Programme, is hosting a free online five-week course on climate change adaptation that is geared specifically towards tackling challenges faced by small island developing States. The course is taught in English, and runs between 26 January and 28 February 2015. No prior knowledge or specific skills are required to participate.

Pathways to Climate Change Adaptation

Posted on 13 January 2015

New policy guide on existing mandates and entry points for gender
equality under the UNFCCC

Available in English and Spanish, and soon in French, this technical guide was developed by the Global Gender and Climate Alliance to support decision-makers, negotiators and advocates in mapping current decisions that contain specific references to gender-related issues across all main areas of negotiations under the UNFCCC. This mapping further serves to support users in more effectively monitoring the implementation of gender-sensitive climate change policies and actions at all levels.

policy guide on existing mandates and entry points for gender equality under the UNFCCC

Posted on 20 October 2014

Youth @ COP 19

Hot of the press! – check out the report by the International Youth Climate Movement on youth engagement at COP 19/CMP 9. Dive into youth highlights of last year's COP and explore how YOUNGO is gearing up for the UN Secretary-General's Climate Summit on 23 September, the 10th Conference of Youth in November, and COP 20/CMP 10 in December. Learn about YOUNGO’s working groups and how you can get involved.

This report as well as joint activities by YOUNGO and the UNFCCC secretariat highlighted therein have been made possible through the generous support by the European Union.

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Youth at COP 19

Posted on 17 September 2014

Take part in COY 10 – ‘Turning Voices into Action’

The 10th annual Conference of Youth aims at turning voices into action by providing a space for young people from around the world to share their experiences on addressing climate change and coordinate their efforts towards UNFCCC COP 20 and COP 21. All training sessions and workshops will be led by young people for young people. Registration is open until 2 November 2014.

For more information, please click here


Posted on 5 September 2014

Launch of the YouthClimateAction online platform – register your action now!

The international youth climate movement is back and stronger than ever! YouthClimateAction has just launched an open online platform for showcasing youth-led initiatives around the world to inspire decision-makers to commit to ambitious action at the UN Secretary-General's Climate Summit and beyond. Make sure your youth climate action is registered here

Youth Climate Action online platform

Posted on 28 August 2014

Green Cooling Initiative launches world map on GHG emissions from the cooling sector

The Green Cooling Initiative’s new interactive world map shows direct and indirect emissions from the cooling sector, which are predicted to account for 13.1% of GHG emissions in 2030. The aim of the Initiative is to reduce emissions by promoting natural refrigerants, maximizing energy efficiency, and fostering sustainable consumption.

Green Cooling Initiative

Posted on 21 August 2014

New UN CC:Learn resource guides on 'Fundamentals of Climate Change Science' and 'Predicting and Projecting Climate Change'

The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership - UN CC:Learn just published two new excellent resource guides on the 'Fundamentals of climate change science' and 'Predicting and projecting climate change'.

The guides are part of a series developed through UN CC:Learn to provide access to existing state-of-the-art materials relevant for climate change learning on particular topics. All guides are written from the perspective of a learner and aim to complement the UN CC:Learn Introductory e-Course on Climate Change

Fundamentals of Climate Change Science Predicting and Projecting Climate Change

Posted on 7 August 2014

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Recent and upcoming activities by members of the UN Joint Framework Initiative on Children, Youth and Climate Change

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